Saturday, September 15, 2007

How Do You Block Number On The Samsung Reclaim

The wort is in the details

Actually, this entry should since last Friday (it really already 4 days ago?) Entitled "Farewell to heat pump wear. Since meeting was with Mr energy expert. This has informed very factual and very unemotional (well, except the 'Dependency' nuclear). The chapter on natural heat pump had been discussed intensively.

sense economically. OK, I'll let me pennant. Although I think, and here we are in faith, not knowing that the prices of both the pellets are rising faster than even gas. But my business roots are still present sufficient enough to know that would end up semi-private Germany in the energy-balance-sheet insolvency, before my investment in this perspective paid off.

The investment, of which Mr. Architect said energy expert and Mr. appeared to me quite high but that was not the point. The point was the Ökololgie. Of course my German electricity reservations are known. But I speak French and I have been looking into the appropriate sites. Why, in France in public housing or renovations heated by electricity? A look at the costs reveals to us: the power is there much cheaper. One day (around 1012) I will translate the respective links. Today only this much: these electric heaters are there still praised as a particularly environmentally. Yikes. Yes, the French are an idiosyncratic people and do not go as a function of other nations. The key word is nuclear energy. This may be one, as you want. Mr. Energy expert counters my course with his studies and half-lives. I ask him (as parent), which prepare us for the moment the main concern. Half-lives or CO2?

Was he even in the Ruhr area and has seen the houses, go through the cracks? The lunar landscapes with giant machinery equipment? He answers me with "controlled burning" and insists that pellets are more ecological than heat pumps. The separated fine dust from the pellets was quite different than that of cigarettes or open fires (but still clear), and the heat pump need electricity that would be generated by gas, oil or nuclear power. My photovoltaic he considers pillepalle as I could in northern Germany to invest in a wind turbine.

Well then nice to actually get an architect and Mr. Lord energy expert at the conclusion that gas is currently the most appropriate solution. Ha? Wüüü büüdddde? Me and Mr. Putin is nothing in life.

There would be facilities that he would sell me today not because his customers are not guinea pigs. But once the gas plant would have written off (that's the fastest, despite Putin), I could easily switch to this system and would thus then save half the human race. The name I have forgotten.

Why let me in on all this? Ecology, ladies and gentlemen. A single argument: Until the power comes at me, he loses 2 / 3 in the line. So does my pump in fact three times more than showing me the ticker.

Seriously, this has me on Friday almost put the gas heater in the house. Despite their need for room and fireplace. Despite Mr Putin. We insulate reasonable (although Mr heat-30cm expert nor wanted more) and thus will not even Mr Putin noted that we are a customer with him. If he quadruple the prices, we are of them have still not financed geothermal.

the weekend I wanted to publish these findings in the blog. We consume too little, as a heat pump that is ecologically really count? Pellets do not come into question because we have a nose. And who supports, to purchase electricity from a coal power plant instead of a nuclear power plant, is because I do not want to understand. How many smoke cigarettes you have to pull the fine dust of such a controlled incinerator right? I do not manage to sorry.

Then the pellets are produced from anything. Poplars are grown in Austria for this, but in any monoculture. Haha, I know the yellow Rasp monoculture phenomenon. Finally, I (including Sophie) have each summer yellow. If Mr heat-expert anywhere argue, we will soon have the poplar monoculture. Just as the rape fields without the associated rape cars.

The amount I would save with a gas-heating, is noteworthy. Mr heat-expert sounds tempting, if he thinks that I could invest it in his northern wind projects. But sorry, our budget has a limit and we will not further invest in accordance with the construction. But wipe out all Swabian. Until everything is ours. Swabians do not like it when their house is one of the bank. And all was still as economically unwise. We believe in additional costs, and banks want to live. Are they allowed. But not by us voluntarily.

Until yesterday (that is three days gross) let me contribute this interview. The Swiss, the Swedes - all silly, because they rely on geothermal energy and do not know what they are doing to the environment with it? The many prefab house builders to get their heat pump for a lot less money than I do? Why do I need more drilling meters (which also cost more) than before windy for the old building?

Monday (ie yesterday) on the phone I, with an estimated relative who has built four years ago and had recommended the energy office. Two very different topics:
  1. Central Ventilation -> dry air cooling
Central ventilation

led me to my studies of various building diaries added suspicious suspect that a controlled ventilation system for a dry climate. This in turn can not stand my family doctor. I now no longer - I spare you the medical history to the reader. Mr heat expert understands exactly what it is about me. Original words: "when I come on the air so the room as if .. She opened the window

We sleep successfully with the window open without heating, that sounds reassuring, mentioned telephone conversation with estimated construction relative who had us, the Office recommended that revealed: they have invested in retrospect in the humidifier option. .. humidifier, so great that sounds unhygienic, but easy to tilt the window What xy not in KW, or tilts the whole system desperate question for all controlled ventilation experts. how dry is your air and what you do about it?


We live in a Mietwohnheim for most ecological standards: eternal thick insulation and many windows to the South Centre. after eight years: solar heated immediately, no brakes, in March or so. Then she leaves abruptly under the adjacent building.

subjective well-being: knalleheiß first, then monkey cold.

scale down experiments, the heating in the first phase to help not to make the second stage everything a lot worse. The sweat is still not dry out, otherwise we fall on the icy cold. Floor heating systems are known to be sluggish. We have normal radiators. have warmed up the space for such (unfortunately common) Sun attacks, we are at the shivering. Never in my life I've worn so many layers in one day clothes and suffered the same.
So I say to Mr
heat experts that for me a comfort zone not only is heat, but also cool. He nods to me seems to have understood. And will absorb even more. But we have the windows to the south, which he finds so hot. How do we handle it? we have already shaded by canopy, but German March with low sun is insidious than August. Freeze For two years in August as a constant (can be corrected, since August) and baggy sweat in March.

concrete core gets in hot water cool phases from the well to cool the ceiling. Our construction experience has relatives, after four years found a system with which he can install it afterwards as well. Yeah - the pump requires three times more. But we do not burn up. Mr heat-expert had dismissed this as a kind of activation sauteuer. Construction (m) mistress calls to the appropriate concrete experts, and somehow it is not as expensive. On the contrary, what has been mentioned as additional costs to date, is ten times what does this ecologically interesting way of cooling.

Today, a short interlude with Mr. Architect. He had held the reasoning of the Lord heat experts to be appropriate. Gas was completely happy because we could then invest the money elsewhere (not Nordic wind plants). met on another site he a gentleman geothermal experts. He came with much more reasonable cost and the current loss theory has impressed even him. We will sit down together. For in the other building is the power plant located a few hundred meters. And our public utilities are notorious for their low conduction losses. Everything else again?

We have decided that it makes no sense to save the world for our offspring, if it burns up our youth and then freezes. That have to live by some experts, even if their aversion to nuclear power, the unsuspecting building (m) men directly into Putin's deflected arms.

That one is in front of experts and the courts in God's hands.



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Benefit Of Drinking Metamucill


Today we (Mr architect and myself) visited a cement plant. The vendor, to me one day raised the subject, was a good salesman. Because concrete is very much susceptible to cracks.

But that will not cause sleepless nights, because the "bad" side of the walls, thanks to a new plant at the now almost more beautiful than the "good" side. The many technical terms and the extravagant lunches have flattened me something We'll see if I can play all right.

The finished walls are "plotted" by a giant robot. A single wall can be finished up to 10 x 3.50 (?) m tall. Over a tray of these dimensions injected the robot, a type of crane and puts everything he was told by the technical office. This is called there, plotting. So once the external dimensions, then small magnet, he draws with some clear fluid. When it is finished, the tray moves into the next room. Where real people work. A carpenter made formwork for window and door openings. Other employees use cable boxes or rails (for curtains or sliding doors) to the robot by magnets predetermined positions. When and by whom the reinforcing parts are placed, is eluded me. Then moves the tray to down to the ground floor, where the exact amount of concrete has already been delivered. An employee goes to another big robot fills the tray and everything that should be filled.

The next step is a matter of taste. It is shaken. So much so that the earth quakes. I personally feel threatened something and always had the urge to put me on the floor. After all, the heaps and valleys on the tray with a flat now, finally, the result looks like a wall.

After shaking the walls were recently inspected by us in the house ready. Clear that since the two sides were different smooth. Now comes the new device, which I've forgotten the exact name, into play. A large round disk rotates about the concrete and smooth it. As it were a heavy, rotating iron. It still remain Luftlöcherleins. When concrete is piled in front of the smoothing quartz sand, which fills this Löcherleins.

front of the hall were a lot of houses, but not yet assembled. So a lot of walls. Since some (many) people in our region like no concrete will be colored red, then they like it. In addition to the red house we saw testing for black trays (this basement insulation), where the insulation was poured on the concrete.

walls that are insulated with thermal insulation composite systems are not smooth on the outside, but roughened so that the WVS better babbt it. Pardon, that was Swabian. That means: keep it.

cavity walls consist of two linked by iron thin walls, the cavity is then filled with concrete on site. Double walls with styrofoam or other Dämm-/Isolierungsmaterial. They are complicated and expensive. In addition, thick. Under 40 cm to make anything. And I have been suffering with my 36 cm. So it is nüscht.

Fortunately, the news that a concrete core is not complicated or terribly expensive. It sounds to me layman who does not like to sweat, extremely attractive. The floor is well known from the ceiling, that is calibrated for the normal people on the floor. Down in the ceiling, that is where it hangs over our heads we are happy to settle the spiders, you can also put tubes. Due to the high flows in summer, cool water. Because heat rises and cold down, we find this activation is simply cool.

The reader may forgive that these details are described in such detail. The wealth of information will be sorted and this diary will help the overburdened building (m) mistress, in two weeks to even remember it. Therefore, some short notes:
- structural engineer needs to be clarified
- contractors may have to work carefully. Unlike Duplo our system can not be taken apart again, if inadvertently the wrong wall was used. A large window front to the north to the road we can not sparkling.
- there was something wrong with storing the waste air chimney. Goes some way but up.
- What are convectors?
- Mr architect but actually right: a flat roof should be tight. No matter whether concrete or wood underneath. Or?
- on sheer wall places I have not understood whether the window when seat assignments can and must. We want it flush with the outer wall. Tomorrow we have appointment with energy consultants and maybe one idea.
- The soffits (1) A new theme for me, but I think I have understood it. A simple square wall is less prone to cracking than one with for example a door lintel. So was the idea of making ceiling-high sliding doors. This results in more work on the site - more pieces of the puzzle.

- The soffits (2) The wall is hollow when filling the spot on the front page never as beautiful as the solid wall. So there are to get there where the windows / doors etc. In the picture I have been exaggerated:

"touched" by me as the named version is given a protective cap to the concrete on site is not to verruckelt fails. The architects like Lord at all. He's just an angular man ;-)

Seriously, it is these details, the little things that cause discomfort afterwards. Or call out especially well-being. We are in the case of hollow walls probably have to make any disguise. That suits me not at first. As Mr offers concrete-and-field expert at all a solution: the Vals quartzite.

Yep, a few days ago our Lieblingspostbote was bent before the door would not go away and admit that I Wear package itself into the apartment. I naively thought that I was not as old as I look. The stuff is incredibly difficult! Why the Vals Therme have not crashed? And all Holzhüttchen there have roofs made of this material megatons. Almost overwhelming.

But more stunning was the contents of the package. There is the stone in three variations:
- light
- gray
- Eye quartzite

We like light, which has beautiful stripes. Mr. cast-field expert is a hobby, natural stone and says, any wall, we are still able to make it. The stone would be easy to ... Yes, I think so too. Now he proposes to trim to make the Ortbetonstreifen in Vals quartzite stripes.

Well, now we will all be finally sit down and eat something.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Can I Replace The Lock On Usps Mailbox

It's not just us as

also Blogbau provides not only benefits the new building:

It was in the planning phase, as was decided to be that the old part of the building remains and will only be extended much more easily complete the planning, as a new programming. Order to agree, it takes a little bit. Vorallendingen one can easily say later: "It was just not because it is not hergab the shape of the old house." So one can only hope that all previous decisions were in the planning of the new building well thought out. The will turn out but for sure until later ...

How true.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Male Brazilian Wax London Ontario

sleep and discouraged

Thank you dear Roman

Yesterday we had "Kompakttag" said Mr architect calls it. From 13:30 to 19:30 clock ... Plans, procedures, costs, material. At home on the sofa, eyes closed, a material film with price tags running on my own personal ARD. Unfortunately, in sizes that have to do with the usual Saturday special offers nothing more. No € 0.99 but tens of thousands. To the PC stumbled spontaneously clicked the offers of two prefabricated house manufacturers. This is somehow more clearly, we choose from a prepared menu and the water level varies in manageable sizes.

Should we really rebuild? Last night we seemed far more attractive. After a sleepless night with getrottelt half mast in the village store. Is it not in the corner ...? Augenreib * * Yes, it is. The friend, the beginning of the year is collected and (almost) has it all behind.
"You had at least one partner with whom you could discuss things."
"Are you kidding? He wanted the whole project is not. I had my sleepless nights, the personification of 'no' are next to me."
Hm, maybe I should Schmonzeten the Australian novel but grateful for the night his company ... A

only a very small list of the sticking points:


a real cost factor, as it is particularly mentioned the tens of thousands. In addition to the prizes, facades still be worth more aspects that overwhelm us. Depending on the condition they must be suspended or ventilated. Ventilated spider breeding establishment means ... Then, the window sills, which must also be bent or according to what always will be, depending on ... Today

night between 3 und 6 clock keep coming up with the building diaries from the north. All the bricks, we like clinker. With so many make it up there it may a) not sooo complicated and b) not be sooo expensive heath. Why reinvent the wheel? We will even knock on Maja.

This morning (afternoon), we stumble across the site diary by Michel of Lönneberga . He is planning a black façade, which is also with us again and again in conversation. Only it seems to be with him wood - where no to exterior wood, we maintain stubborn. Finally, is the iron rule: the tree must be grown if the material must be replaced. We are not in vain member of the WWF. Please do not misunderstand: this is our very subjective decision, we do no one even in the distant points to criticize, who sees it differently.


Each door format, which differs from the standard, is supplied without warranty, because it could warp. If even says the manufacturer, they could, then they will too. Or not? depart


If we mention our desire material, then we want a really expensive alternative. OG and UG get oiled oak parquet industry. Even if they do not currently 'in' is, we know in our Mietwohnheim appreciate.


our focus here seems less than the calculation to be adopted. Mr. Architect calculated from experience: all the builders have claimed in the planning phase and could not resist later. We put on discipline, in favor of the Garden Spa.

Our request to a bathtub
practical rather than aesthetic. From bitter experience. First, we want to acrylic because we chatter in the strength iron tub was when reading the arm rests.

Second, we do not go down abruptly. Our Mietbadewanne is built with a view to the wall. So all we are sitting with your back to the vertical and the feet on the inclined side to look at gene window. Regularly makes it swish and we are in the country.


Also Mr. architect has his dreams. But we have to see whether this is feasible and affordable.

update on the evening

ago, we were with the above-mentioned friend site. Unbelievable how much they know and like me she has built up step by step, again without trivializing it.

the end the question: do you want? I feel 30 years younger again (that is about as old as I am) and yes, I will. This is a dream and dreams are realized not one without insomnia.