Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prcing For Washington Sports Club


Yes, finally it's done. After about seven months I have Christine on Thursday night at the airport finally seen again. She had a good flight and arrived safely. After a night and a day in Tokyo we went to the night bus to Kyoto, where we arrived about 5 mrogens clock. On this day we have then looked at the Kiyomizu Temple, and some miles on the vast grounds of the shrine Fushimi-Inaritaisha hiked uphill and downhill, with thousands of Torii.

Today we were eating in Osaka and then have real-Osaka okonomiyaki and tell us a little the city considered. Now we are back at the hotel and go to bed early because tomorrow we will make a trip to Nara. Next Week is then more photos!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

South Beach Whey Protein


Since we here in Japan looks at almost every corner a pachinko hall, day and night, brightly lit, and each time a giant makes noise when open the sliding doors had to I, of course, the whole spectacle finally go out onto the ground and I put myself in today, so the lion's den.

The noise level inside is really extreme, in addition to background music you can hear the constant rattle of the metal balls in the machine and also play the machine itself, and from short to music or movies. After we had chosen a machine that is designed according to the Mange-/Animeserie GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka), we have fed them with money and were rewarded with a few hundred balls.

by bike down right then we could influence the speed with which these bullets were fired into the game level where it then jumped down and landed between small nails with a little luck in a small opening. This was then started on the screen, a slot machine. If we now had three times the luck to get equal numbers, to have a greater Mouth opened and every ball that would come into it, would have given us twelve new balls. Unfortunately we have not even had this luck. In sharp contrast to the Japanese, who sat next to us and won bowl to bowl with balls shuts off next to him.

there has been some research into the pachinko hall over for us with surprising speed, and we spent the rest of our money rather in some tasty beer. As we shall know what you have.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pathopphysiology Of Pernicious Anemia

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Since some of you were surprised. St. Patrick's Day? He's still only Wednesday? The traffic but not too much in to draw affected the Irish Network Japan, Tokyo St. Patrick's Day Parade can take place today. On the main shopping street in Harajuku today are so few hundred tap dancers, dog owners, musicians, pub owners, beer lovers, friends and of course Ireland Ireland the road once again walked up and down. Of course a lot of green was visible everywhere and the road was even decorated with Irish flags. I especially found the Japanese bagpipe player who played in full kimono traditional Irish melodies.

All was quickly over. After little more than an hour were all gone, and although the theme of this year, "Irish food" was, there were no stands next to the parade, where you had something to buy. I then just a little Harajuku researched and found some nice spots and later attended at a bar with views of a White Day party.

White Day? Oh, this is a purely Japanese thing I think. On Valentine's Day gift this traditional women to men chocolate. A month later (and on the same day as Pi Day) then give the men these women something. As far as I understand it, the gift should be at least twice as much be worth ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How Do You Block Numbers On The Samsung Reclaim

It is a small galaxy in which we live television

After I've enjoyed this week on two consecutive days this wonderful invention called Japanese Karaoke (I will miss you so!), I was slightly drunk in the last car on the way home. Since the Japanese railway company is apparently not particularly troubled by the demand for late trains, it was so crowded as in the rush hour and it pushed more than twice as many people on a train than in one that would be described in Germany as early as "full" .

had a sudden I saw next to me from the corner of my eye a familiar logo. I turned my head to more accurately and nachzuschauen I've seen here? A Japanese man with a Franfurt Galaxy sweater! Of course I was completely out of the cottages and had thrown overboard like any shyness and the men in English, I was drunk and he was pretty young addressed.

It has been found out that I had met Yuji Ohtaki, who played in 2007 for the Galaxy as a wide receiver, as far as I can see but not was used. He told us that he has fallen in the months and after a bit of Frankfurt very small talk, he had to change trains. A very crazy experience!

How Much Is Gold In Dubai

Einige Reaktionen / active verb reactions

For English version please scroll down - following after the picture.

Lufthansa has reported to us as compensation and with our luggage sent a check sent to the taxi and the futile calls to the baggage claim in Dusseldorf a food hamper.

Olympus camera we exchanged our good grace. Since the pink camera was not marketed in Germany, it returned an orange.

from the original plans to see us or the volcanoes in Costa Rica, we are ready to get a little bit. Due to the uniquely favorable position because of the Easter holidays and the really very reasonable price of Travel is, Hawaii in April 2011 on the program. For roll-call, it goes here:

Celebrity has returned with Charlie and Katie for their feedback. If not us. Also, we have not won the event from Papenburg to Eemshaven on CELEBRITY ECLIPSE. Is indeed not so tragic, for it has been reported to NCL and invited us to a premiere event on the NORWEGIAN EPIC.

Charlie and Katie are going to follow the NORWEGIAN JADE in January 2011. Only someone we have been infected with the virus cruise.

hours are also the documents for our mini-cruise on the ARTEMIS gekommen. Der Blog wird sicherlich wieder in dem Blog weitergeführt, in dem unsere bisherigen Mini-Kreuzfahrten beschrieben wurden:

Lufthansa reacted and we got as compensation for our baggage a check for the taxi and a gourmet basket the unsuccessful calls to Düsseldorf baggage tracing service.

Olympus exchanged the camera without any problems. As the pink camera was not available on the German market we got one now in orange.

From our original plans to see the vulcanos in Costa Rica we took a little distance. Due to the itinerary to Easter Holidays and an extreme good price we put Hawaii for April 2011 for our agenda. Here you find the roll-call:

Celebrity reacted to Charly's and Katie's feedback. With us not yet. And we did not won the event from the shipyard in Germany's Papenburg to the dock in Netherland's Eemshaven on CELEBRITY ECLIPSE. But it's fine with us: because NCL invited us for the Premiere-Events on NORWEGIAN EPIC.

Charly and Katie will follow us on NORWEGIAN JADE in January 2011. Someone else whom we inficted by the cruising virus.

Yesterday we got also the documents for our mini-cruise on the British P&O's ARTEMIS. The blog will be continued in the blog for our mini-cruises: