Thursday, July 5, 2007

Can I Run Car Ok With Thermostat In

small foretaste of ecology, ethics and curious episodes

Wednesday Tomorrow we wake up and wonder, which had fallen on the last night in our food. A television program that had made green by unceremoniously on his head. Or is it a dream?

Regardless, we let the cold water run until it is really cold. Anyone who fishes once saw headlong tumble in the aquarium, does not want his coffee provided with lead. From now on, even in good conscience. When the first cup we cancel the abortion mine converted into a cistern, and instead use a large garden irrigation system into the specifications. In the second cup (high organic lead-free), we prepare a local political battle plan for change in fees.

If the building (m) herrin Now Out of Control? No, she never dreamed of, have a look in the archives the ARD.

the text of the contribution I briefly rattled in the keyboard:
knows every child: Saving water starts with brushing your teeth. Water is expensive, especially in Berlin. Family Rodenkirchen saves where she can. "With the new dishwasher we have also made sure that the very small amount of water consumed." Nevertheless, the family of five pays for an average water consumption Berlin, unbelievable, 1016 € a year for waste water and fresh water.
"This is our water consumption last year."
"No, that surely can not be."

Also: Save, save. Wherever it goes. It is invested in extra-economical aerators and placed in a special water-saving shower head. And for small business's: Only the economy button. Drinking water containing high quality has its price. fight

While the citizens for every drop of water, the water works with a baffling routine work are employed. More often it is at the hydrants of the City "Water march!". Thousands of gallons of good drinking water flowing down the drain, because the citizens of compulsive saving the fresh water is too long in line to the contamination threat.

"The few water abstraction, or it is always less in the past Years remains, det water stand in it, so we NEN stehended water theoretically decrease because people do not so much. And through this water exchange, we ensure that any contamination do not arise in the first place. "

Saving water is also a problem for the waste water.'s How it looks in the channels. Because the households consume less and less muddied everything. The result is sulfuric acid and eats holes in the pipes, the antidote... out pump the mud and then rinse vigorously What do citizens save on water, must send the waterworks directly into the channel 14 of these special forces are constantly in Berlin blown way and with high pressure to. channel is free again. Thus, saving really expensive.

Jörg Simon, CEO of Berlin Water Works. "Yes, I must tell you honestly, we have big problems with the decline in consumption is reflected in the duct system in the distribution system, down to the sewage treatment plants in the water works An example in the sewer system. The digestion process begin in the channel, thereby the lives of the shorter channels and we have to reinvest earlier in the channels leading to cost increases. All you have to say, we have much higher operating costs reduced. "

figures: while the average daily Berliner spent fifteen years ago still 138l water, are today less than 115 liters. In the same period the price rose, including sewage from 2.66 € to 4.84 € per cubic meter. No wonder.

Jörg Simon: "You have to imagine it like this:.. We have a total relative in the water industry high fixed costs for sewage treatment plants, water works, for the networks, we hold When the decline in consumption must be allocated these fixed costs to less cubic meters be, which then leads to higher prices. "

How much Ulrich Rodenkirchen stingy with the consumption, his water bill more expensive. A vicious circle that will break this man now: Jürgen providers. At the University of Hanover, he studied for years to conserve water dilemma and calls for an economic truism, but which is advised when passing into oblivion. If the consumption increase, the consumption price down.

"The absolute problem with the pricing structure of water supply is that almost exclusive consumption price is charged and only a very low base price share. And this means that the citizen practically a true compulsive saving is initiated, negative with all the consequences."

His proposal: Strong high with the base price per household. The price per liter would be minimal. No need to save. The bottom line would all even cheaper, so showering pleasure without a guilty conscience.

But that is also environmentally responsible? Clearly yes.

Dr. Jörg Rehberg, Association of German Gas and Water.. "The water saving is not for environmental reasons in Germany requires the public water supply uses only 3% of the available resources, we have a very comfortable situation, there is no water shortage in Germany.

the contrary, the Wassersparwut has assumed such proportions in Germany, that the association of water for the first time publicly called for a radical new pricing model.

Rehberg: "Our association works to ensure that the price structure is changed so that significantly higher base prices are fixed. At the same time reduces the quantity-based price. "How this basic

high price may be then

Rehberg:" As we in water up to 80% have fixed costs, it would actually go in that direction. "

And what that means for the water bill, the Rodenkirchen pay with the new model instead of € 1016 only € 480 a year less than half

providers:.." Winner of the new charging model, especially families had several children, the significantly would be relieved. While on the other side would have to single households or consumers pay little more. This would be but in the end just because the cost of water supply primarily caused solely by the port to the network, regardless of the amount of consumption. "

Instead Waterworks made tight, as here in Berlin Johannistal because it uses too little water . Now increases threaten ground water and entire neighborhoods to drown curious result. the pumps must remain in operation and so rushing day by day 25 million gallons of the best ground water unused in the Telptow channel And the children are told that they should save water.. .

the way, the charges are not laid down by the water works, but from the city and municipal councils, and who want to change anything, because they fear that they are then lost votes.
Yes, and we - the building (m) mr economy - could examine the consequences of silted channels a few years ago on the ground. It started with a pitch-black horizon. Shortly thereafter it gushed from the waist-deep manhole covers. Then homes were full. With water. The stuff can hardly be described. Its smells raise pigs in the barns noble rank of a perfume, the consistency is asphalt, concrete & Co in the shade.

values politicians who silently raising his finger still want to fill your collection plate, arm yourselves. Construction (m) herrin developed a special task force for the personal moral well-being: scraping mud in flood-damaged homes.
PS: in front of the houses is nothing new - tomorrow we have presented two design options.


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