Monday, November 9, 2009

Audit Companies In Kenya

Back to the Stone Age - Baduy

Selamat malam!

This weekend I was again lucky to escape Jakarta. As each week are on Friday evening and Saturday morning, dozens of miles of traffic jams. To me it is sometimes found in such a way that the majority of Indonesians do not like this city and wants to escape it whenever possible.

I was told that on the basis of the Hindu past, Indonesia is a very peaceful people. This is also my impression of the first few weeks. There is here (especially outside Jakarta) a pleasantly quiet and relaxed atmosphere, which I perceive very positive. A special strain that this atmosphere exemplary represents I "visit" the last days must.

Once the main road that leads away from leaving Jakarta, and on the road or branch line is you should have a well-sprung vehicle. Not infrequently, like the ride more like an involuntary Hoppel massage as a flat road. Nevertheless, we arrived Saturday morning in about 5 hours away Baduy. A place where the fox and nowhere. From here it went off with backpacks and plenty of water for the hike. 2 hours we hiked through dense hilly tropical forest. Baduy lives in a tribe that has chosen to live on in his traditional manner as he It has done this for centuries.

There is no electricity, no (Ab) water pipes, no motorbikes or cars, no phones or electrical appliances, no shoes, no mirrors, forced marriage, no schools, reading and writing a foreign word, no clocks, wooden huts and thatched roofs , no toilets, no showers (yes Gibts for the River), bridges made of bamboo and people who take themselves in hand-woven by Sarungs. I must say that I miss that feeling of closeness to nature and freedom in the city. The reflection on the essence of life ...

Here is everything a century turned back. Fascinating .... The Baduys live on what they plant and harvest, nearly self-sufficient. With visitors (like our one) and the sale of handicrafts Sarungs and they deserve the extra, what they do not produce themselves.
I give respect for those people who resist the charms and enticements of civilization, on so-called standard of living (as we call it) and preserve their tradition. I'm curious to see whether or how long they can still protect their culture. The decline and the loss of its value towards materialistic thinking was on the fringes of Baduy already visible. Occasionally you could see cell phones, radios, ... We were also told of more and more young people to leave their family and seek their fortune in the city. It is us, I think all clear that these people are among the first victims of our society ...

I wish you a good start to the week and next week I will tell you about Yogyakarta, the city of temples.

Sampai Minggu lalu (next week)


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