Although there have been since my arrival (late September) anywhere to buy Christmas items, Christmas spirit but I was looking in Cornwall, unfortunately in vain. The idea of Advent, in which flows the sweet smell of Christmas cookies every kitchen, you warm up to a cup of mulled wine, the hands, Christmas music sonicated the shops and everything is romantically lit, here is simply unknown. So we have language assistants put us even in the Christmas mood! Thanks to Lidl and Aldi, it was easy for a supply of gingerbread, dominoes and co. to create and what we could not get on the ground, then came by air mail from Germany or from our own Oven! I spent only five days in the kitchen to bake cookies for plenty of my students, teachers and all the other brave. But this, an imported from Germany was necessary because vanilla sugar, a German cuisine is known for the existential ingredient, in British supermarkets not to buy! My personal highlight was definitely an attempt to make baked apples for my landlord. Since no apple corer was at hand, I have edited the reckless nuclear body with a kitchen knife. As this trial ends, you probably can imagine ...
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