(wet) cold feet
This morning we had a lot of rest, on the to-do list was merely refreshing the refrigerator's contents. At 10:30 clock, even in the first cup of coffee, ring the phone. "Dear woman rushes neighbor, your house."
silver bullet is always accessible via phone. Just not today. His mail box is full. Architect Lord, we leave a message. And now? Against better knowledge, we go to the crime scene. There it is rushing in fact - from the toilet on the ground floor to the ceiling to the floor of the living room. In the basement and the garage underneath it splashes, dripping in the kitchen paves the way into the vault. During construction (m) mistress and helpless rat studies the forces of nature, an elderly man comes to the rescue. Placed its shopping bag outside the home (dry) and we go in search of the main valve. In the vaulted cellar leave us the good spirits - for lack of a flashlight. The two lighters can guess that the main valve is located on the outer wall. A look at the electrics makes us both out of the cellar flit. The Lord still wants all the best, I remember the phone number of a friend - who is sanitary. And he answers it! And he is close! Must be an emergency ... not our ...
The noise in the background can soften his heart, he comes out right. In the meantime, a young man's grocery bag to dry the same place as before the elder Mr. helpful. He turned off the fuses in the EC, but where are the in the basement? He does not have rubber soles, in the face of the power lines rising Waterfall, he capitulated and wishes us a happy new year. We are grateful that he is taking no chances.
Now comes the artisan car - light at the glittering horizon. The first words: "Oh ... You Sch. But they have a lamp and high rubber boots. From the basement sounds more "Oh you love ...", Sch Construction (m) stands in front of the toilet herrin Fontaine, time seems to stop. Because, finally, it is smaller. No more noise on the ground.
But a clearly persistent murmur in the basement. What is it? Only the water that gurgles from EC through the ceiling in the basement. The two heroes have now from the heater and must continue - for the initial emergency.
Balance Vault until it stops completely. This is not tragic. Worse is the basement room, which adjoins the new building. While the water flows visible in the direction of garage drain, but slowly. And, unfortunately, also visible towards new-UG. Rüüchddügg - that basement, we had set this year finally dry. A rubber lip-slide would be useful. Where to get that picture?
Construction (m) mistress has again feeling in the feet dry by now and only occasionally attacked us chills. Young and Putzfee recommended a warm shower. Why will bear fruit not only of this proposal? Shower -> water. No, better not. Mr architect has also reported to want a silver bullet and our research pump. We have a pump, definitely. But where?
We should get the water out of the cellar. And know where we previously cut off the electricity in the basement.
love New Year's greetings to the interested readers, and - oh yeah - Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
How Do You Block Number On The Samsung Reclaim
The wort is in the details
Actually, this entry should since last Friday (it really already 4 days ago?) Entitled "Farewell to heat pump wear. Since meeting was with Mr energy expert. This has informed very factual and very unemotional (well, except the 'Dependency' nuclear). The chapter on natural heat pump had been discussed intensively.
sense economically. OK, I'll let me pennant. Although I think, and here we are in faith, not knowing that the prices of both the pellets are rising faster than even gas. But my business roots are still present sufficient enough to know that would end up semi-private Germany in the energy-balance-sheet insolvency, before my investment in this perspective paid off.
The investment, of which Mr. Architect said energy expert and Mr. appeared to me quite high but that was not the point. The point was the Ökololgie. Of course my German electricity reservations are known. But I speak French and I have been looking into the appropriate sites. Why, in France in public housing or renovations heated by electricity? A look at the costs reveals to us: the power is there much cheaper. One day (around 1012) I will translate the respective links. Today only this much: these electric heaters are there still praised as a particularly environmentally. Yikes. Yes, the French are an idiosyncratic people and do not go as a function of other nations. The key word is nuclear energy. This may be one, as you want. Mr. Energy expert counters my course with his studies and half-lives. I ask him (as parent), which prepare us for the moment the main concern. Half-lives or CO2?
Was he even in the Ruhr area and has seen the houses, go through the cracks? The lunar landscapes with giant machinery equipment? He answers me with "controlled burning" and insists that pellets are more ecological than heat pumps. The separated fine dust from the pellets was quite different than that of cigarettes or open fires (but still clear), and the heat pump need electricity that would be generated by gas, oil or nuclear power. My photovoltaic he considers pillepalle as I could in northern Germany to invest in a wind turbine.
Well then nice to actually get an architect and Mr. Lord energy expert at the conclusion that gas is currently the most appropriate solution. Ha? Wüüü büüdddde? Me and Mr. Putin is nothing in life.
There would be facilities that he would sell me today not because his customers are not guinea pigs. But once the gas plant would have written off (that's the fastest, despite Putin), I could easily switch to this system and would thus then save half the human race. The name I have forgotten.
Why let me in on all this? Ecology, ladies and gentlemen. A single argument: Until the power comes at me, he loses 2 / 3 in the line. So does my pump in fact three times more than showing me the ticker.
Seriously, this has me on Friday almost put the gas heater in the house. Despite their need for room and fireplace. Despite Mr Putin. We insulate reasonable (although Mr heat-30cm expert nor wanted more) and thus will not even Mr Putin noted that we are a customer with him. If he quadruple the prices, we are of them have still not financed geothermal.
the weekend I wanted to publish these findings in the blog. We consume too little, as a heat pump that is ecologically really count? Pellets do not come into question because we have a nose. And who supports, to purchase electricity from a coal power plant instead of a nuclear power plant, is because I do not want to understand. How many smoke cigarettes you have to pull the fine dust of such a controlled incinerator right? I do not manage to sorry.
Then the pellets are produced from anything. Poplars are grown in Austria for this, but in any monoculture. Haha, I know the yellow Rasp monoculture phenomenon. Finally, I (including Sophie) have each summer yellow. If Mr heat-expert anywhere argue, we will soon have the poplar monoculture. Just as the rape fields without the associated rape cars.
The amount I would save with a gas-heating, is noteworthy. Mr heat-expert sounds tempting, if he thinks that I could invest it in his northern wind projects. But sorry, our budget has a limit and we will not further invest in accordance with the construction. But wipe out all Swabian. Until everything is ours. Swabians do not like it when their house is one of the bank. And all was still as economically unwise. We believe in additional costs, and banks want to live. Are they allowed. But not by us voluntarily.
Until yesterday (that is three days gross) let me contribute this interview. The Swiss, the Swedes - all silly, because they rely on geothermal energy and do not know what they are doing to the environment with it? The many prefab house builders to get their heat pump for a lot less money than I do? Why do I need more drilling meters (which also cost more) than before windy for the old building?
Monday (ie yesterday) on the phone I, with an estimated relative who has built four years ago and had recommended the energy office. Two very different topics:
led me to my studies of various building diaries added suspicious suspect that a controlled ventilation system for a dry climate. This in turn can not stand my family doctor. I now no longer - I spare you the medical history to the reader. Mr heat expert understands exactly what it is about me. Original words: "when I come on the air so the room as if .. She opened the window
We sleep successfully with the window open without heating, that sounds reassuring, mentioned telephone conversation with estimated construction relative who had us, the Office recommended that revealed: they have invested in retrospect in the humidifier option. .. humidifier, so great that sounds unhygienic, but easy to tilt the window What xy not in KW, or tilts the whole system desperate question for all controlled ventilation experts. how dry is your air and what you do about it?
We live in a Mietwohnheim for most ecological standards: eternal thick insulation and many windows to the South Centre. after eight years: solar heated immediately, no brakes, in March or so. Then she leaves abruptly under the adjacent building.
subjective well-being: knalleheiß first, then monkey cold.
scale down experiments, the heating in the first phase to help not to make the second stage everything a lot worse. The sweat is still not dry out, otherwise we fall on the icy cold. Floor heating systems are known to be sluggish. We have normal radiators. have warmed up the space for such (unfortunately common) Sun attacks, we are at the shivering. Never in my life I've worn so many layers in one day clothes and suffered the same.
So I say to Mr
heat experts that for me a comfort zone not only is heat, but also cool. He nods to me seems to have understood. And will absorb even more. But we have the windows to the south, which he finds so hot. How do we handle it? we have already shaded by canopy, but German March with low sun is insidious than August. Freeze For two years in August as a constant (can be corrected, since August) and baggy sweat in March.
concrete core gets in hot water cool phases from the well to cool the ceiling. Our construction experience has relatives, after four years found a system with which he can install it afterwards as well. Yeah - the pump requires three times more. But we do not burn up. Mr heat-expert had dismissed this as a kind of activation sauteuer. Construction (m) mistress calls to the appropriate concrete experts, and somehow it is not as expensive. On the contrary, what has been mentioned as additional costs to date, is ten times what does this ecologically interesting way of cooling.
Today, a short interlude with Mr. Architect. He had held the reasoning of the Lord heat experts to be appropriate. Gas was completely happy because we could then invest the money elsewhere (not Nordic wind plants). met on another site he a gentleman geothermal experts. He came with much more reasonable cost and the current loss theory has impressed even him. We will sit down together. For in the other building is the power plant located a few hundred meters. And our public utilities are notorious for their low conduction losses. Everything else again?
We have decided that it makes no sense to save the world for our offspring, if it burns up our youth and then freezes. That have to live by some experts, even if their aversion to nuclear power, the unsuspecting building (m) men directly into Putin's deflected arms.
That one is in front of experts and the courts in God's hands.
Actually, this entry should since last Friday (it really already 4 days ago?) Entitled "Farewell to heat pump wear. Since meeting was with Mr energy expert. This has informed very factual and very unemotional (well, except the 'Dependency' nuclear). The chapter on natural heat pump had been discussed intensively.
sense economically. OK, I'll let me pennant. Although I think, and here we are in faith, not knowing that the prices of both the pellets are rising faster than even gas. But my business roots are still present sufficient enough to know that would end up semi-private Germany in the energy-balance-sheet insolvency, before my investment in this perspective paid off.
The investment, of which Mr. Architect said energy expert and Mr. appeared to me quite high but that was not the point. The point was the Ökololgie. Of course my German electricity reservations are known. But I speak French and I have been looking into the appropriate sites. Why, in France in public housing or renovations heated by electricity? A look at the costs reveals to us: the power is there much cheaper. One day (around 1012) I will translate the respective links. Today only this much: these electric heaters are there still praised as a particularly environmentally. Yikes. Yes, the French are an idiosyncratic people and do not go as a function of other nations. The key word is nuclear energy. This may be one, as you want. Mr. Energy expert counters my course with his studies and half-lives. I ask him (as parent), which prepare us for the moment the main concern. Half-lives or CO2?
Was he even in the Ruhr area and has seen the houses, go through the cracks? The lunar landscapes with giant machinery equipment? He answers me with "controlled burning" and insists that pellets are more ecological than heat pumps. The separated fine dust from the pellets was quite different than that of cigarettes or open fires (but still clear), and the heat pump need electricity that would be generated by gas, oil or nuclear power. My photovoltaic he considers pillepalle as I could in northern Germany to invest in a wind turbine.
Well then nice to actually get an architect and Mr. Lord energy expert at the conclusion that gas is currently the most appropriate solution. Ha? Wüüü büüdddde? Me and Mr. Putin is nothing in life.
There would be facilities that he would sell me today not because his customers are not guinea pigs. But once the gas plant would have written off (that's the fastest, despite Putin), I could easily switch to this system and would thus then save half the human race. The name I have forgotten.
Why let me in on all this? Ecology, ladies and gentlemen. A single argument: Until the power comes at me, he loses 2 / 3 in the line. So does my pump in fact three times more than showing me the ticker.
Seriously, this has me on Friday almost put the gas heater in the house. Despite their need for room and fireplace. Despite Mr Putin. We insulate reasonable (although Mr heat-30cm expert nor wanted more) and thus will not even Mr Putin noted that we are a customer with him. If he quadruple the prices, we are of them have still not financed geothermal.
the weekend I wanted to publish these findings in the blog. We consume too little, as a heat pump that is ecologically really count? Pellets do not come into question because we have a nose. And who supports, to purchase electricity from a coal power plant instead of a nuclear power plant, is because I do not want to understand. How many smoke cigarettes you have to pull the fine dust of such a controlled incinerator right? I do not manage to sorry.
Then the pellets are produced from anything. Poplars are grown in Austria for this, but in any monoculture. Haha, I know the yellow Rasp monoculture phenomenon. Finally, I (including Sophie) have each summer yellow. If Mr heat-expert anywhere argue, we will soon have the poplar monoculture. Just as the rape fields without the associated rape cars.
The amount I would save with a gas-heating, is noteworthy. Mr heat-expert sounds tempting, if he thinks that I could invest it in his northern wind projects. But sorry, our budget has a limit and we will not further invest in accordance with the construction. But wipe out all Swabian. Until everything is ours. Swabians do not like it when their house is one of the bank. And all was still as economically unwise. We believe in additional costs, and banks want to live. Are they allowed. But not by us voluntarily.
Until yesterday (that is three days gross) let me contribute this interview. The Swiss, the Swedes - all silly, because they rely on geothermal energy and do not know what they are doing to the environment with it? The many prefab house builders to get their heat pump for a lot less money than I do? Why do I need more drilling meters (which also cost more) than before windy for the old building?
Monday (ie yesterday) on the phone I, with an estimated relative who has built four years ago and had recommended the energy office. Two very different topics:
- Central Ventilation -> dry air cooling
led me to my studies of various building diaries added suspicious suspect that a controlled ventilation system for a dry climate. This in turn can not stand my family doctor. I now no longer - I spare you the medical history to the reader. Mr heat expert understands exactly what it is about me. Original words: "when I come on the air so the room as if .. She opened the window
We sleep successfully with the window open without heating, that sounds reassuring, mentioned telephone conversation with estimated construction relative who had us, the Office recommended that revealed: they have invested in retrospect in the humidifier option. .. humidifier, so great that sounds unhygienic, but easy to tilt the window What xy not in KW, or tilts the whole system desperate question for all controlled ventilation experts. how dry is your air and what you do about it?
We live in a Mietwohnheim for most ecological standards: eternal thick insulation and many windows to the South Centre. after eight years: solar heated immediately, no brakes, in March or so. Then she leaves abruptly under the adjacent building.
subjective well-being: knalleheiß first, then monkey cold.
scale down experiments, the heating in the first phase to help not to make the second stage everything a lot worse. The sweat is still not dry out, otherwise we fall on the icy cold. Floor heating systems are known to be sluggish. We have normal radiators. have warmed up the space for such (unfortunately common) Sun attacks, we are at the shivering. Never in my life I've worn so many layers in one day clothes and suffered the same.
So I say to Mr
heat experts that for me a comfort zone not only is heat, but also cool. He nods to me seems to have understood. And will absorb even more. But we have the windows to the south, which he finds so hot. How do we handle it? we have already shaded by canopy, but German March with low sun is insidious than August. Freeze For two years in August as a constant (can be corrected, since August) and baggy sweat in March.
concrete core gets in hot water cool phases from the well to cool the ceiling. Our construction experience has relatives, after four years found a system with which he can install it afterwards as well. Yeah - the pump requires three times more. But we do not burn up. Mr heat-expert had dismissed this as a kind of activation sauteuer. Construction (m) mistress calls to the appropriate concrete experts, and somehow it is not as expensive. On the contrary, what has been mentioned as additional costs to date, is ten times what does this ecologically interesting way of cooling.
Today, a short interlude with Mr. Architect. He had held the reasoning of the Lord heat experts to be appropriate. Gas was completely happy because we could then invest the money elsewhere (not Nordic wind plants). met on another site he a gentleman geothermal experts. He came with much more reasonable cost and the current loss theory has impressed even him. We will sit down together. For in the other building is the power plant located a few hundred meters. And our public utilities are notorious for their low conduction losses. Everything else again?
We have decided that it makes no sense to save the world for our offspring, if it burns up our youth and then freezes. That have to live by some experts, even if their aversion to nuclear power, the unsuspecting building (m) men directly into Putin's deflected arms.
That one is in front of experts and the courts in God's hands.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Benefit Of Drinking Metamucill
Today we (Mr architect and myself) visited a cement plant. The vendor, to me one day raised the subject, was a good salesman. Because concrete is very much susceptible to cracks.
But that will not cause sleepless nights, because the "bad" side of the walls, thanks to a new plant at the now almost more beautiful than the "good" side. The many technical terms and the extravagant lunches have flattened me something We'll see if I can play all right.
The finished walls are "plotted" by a giant robot. A single wall can be finished up to 10 x 3.50 (?) m tall. Over a tray of these dimensions injected the robot, a type of crane and puts everything he was told by the technical office. This is called there, plotting. So once the external dimensions, then small magnet, he draws with some clear fluid. When it is finished, the tray moves into the next room. Where real people work. A carpenter made formwork for window and door openings. Other employees use cable boxes or rails (for curtains or sliding doors) to the robot by magnets predetermined positions. When and by whom the reinforcing parts are placed, is eluded me. Then moves the tray to down to the ground floor, where the exact amount of concrete has already been delivered. An employee goes to another big robot fills the tray and everything that should be filled.
The next step is a matter of taste. It is shaken. So much so that the earth quakes. I personally feel threatened something and always had the urge to put me on the floor. After all, the heaps and valleys on the tray with a flat now, finally, the result looks like a wall.
After shaking the walls were recently inspected by us in the house ready. Clear that since the two sides were different smooth. Now comes the new device, which I've forgotten the exact name, into play. A large round disk rotates about the concrete and smooth it. As it were a heavy, rotating iron. It still remain Luftlöcherleins. When concrete is piled in front of the smoothing quartz sand, which fills this Löcherleins.
front of the hall were a lot of houses, but not yet assembled. So a lot of walls. Since some (many) people in our region like no concrete will be colored red, then they like it. In addition to the red house we saw testing for black trays (this basement insulation), where the insulation was poured on the concrete.
walls that are insulated with thermal insulation composite systems are not smooth on the outside, but roughened so that the WVS better babbt it. Pardon, that was Swabian. That means: keep it.
cavity walls consist of two linked by iron thin walls, the cavity is then filled with concrete on site. Double walls with styrofoam or other Dämm-/Isolierungsmaterial. They are complicated and expensive. In addition, thick. Under 40 cm to make anything. And I have been suffering with my 36 cm. So it is nüscht.
Fortunately, the news that a concrete core is not complicated or terribly expensive. It sounds to me layman who does not like to sweat, extremely attractive. The floor is well known from the ceiling, that is calibrated for the normal people on the floor. Down in the ceiling, that is where it hangs over our heads we are happy to settle the spiders, you can also put tubes. Due to the high flows in summer, cool water. Because heat rises and cold down, we find this activation is simply cool.
The reader may forgive that these details are described in such detail. The wealth of information will be sorted and this diary will help the overburdened building (m) mistress, in two weeks to even remember it. Therefore, some short notes:
- structural engineer needs to be clarified
- contractors may have to work carefully. Unlike Duplo our system can not be taken apart again, if inadvertently the wrong wall was used. A large window front to the north to the road we can not sparkling.
- there was something wrong with storing the waste air chimney. Goes some way but up.
- What are convectors?
- Mr architect but actually right: a flat roof should be tight. No matter whether concrete or wood underneath. Or?
- on sheer wall places I have not understood whether the window when seat assignments can and must. We want it flush with the outer wall. Tomorrow we have appointment with energy consultants and maybe one idea.
- The soffits (1) A new theme for me, but I think I have understood it. A simple square wall is less prone to cracking than one with for example a door lintel. So was the idea of making ceiling-high sliding doors. This results in more work on the site - more pieces of the puzzle.
- The soffits (2) The wall is hollow when filling the spot on the front page never as beautiful as the solid wall. So there are to get there where the windows / doors etc. In the picture I have been exaggerated:
"touched" by me as the named version is given a protective cap to the concrete on site is not to verruckelt fails. The architects like Lord at all. He's just an angular man ;-)
Seriously, it is these details, the little things that cause discomfort afterwards. Or call out especially well-being. We are in the case of hollow walls probably have to make any disguise. That suits me not at first. As Mr offers concrete-and-field expert at all a solution: the Vals quartzite.
Yep, a few days ago our Lieblingspostbote was bent before the door would not go away and admit that I Wear package itself into the apartment. I naively thought that I was not as old as I look. The stuff is incredibly difficult! Why the Vals Therme have not crashed? And all Holzhüttchen there have roofs made of this material megatons. Almost overwhelming.
But more stunning was the contents of the package. There is the stone in three variations:
- light
- gray
- Eye quartzite
We like light, which has beautiful stripes. Mr. cast-field expert is a hobby, natural stone and says, any wall, we are still able to make it. The stone would be easy to ... Yes, I think so too. Now he proposes to trim to make the Ortbetonstreifen in Vals quartzite stripes.
Well, now we will all be finally sit down and eat something.
Today we (Mr architect and myself) visited a cement plant. The vendor, to me one day raised the subject, was a good salesman. Because concrete is very much susceptible to cracks.
But that will not cause sleepless nights, because the "bad" side of the walls, thanks to a new plant at the now almost more beautiful than the "good" side. The many technical terms and the extravagant lunches have flattened me something We'll see if I can play all right.
The finished walls are "plotted" by a giant robot. A single wall can be finished up to 10 x 3.50 (?) m tall. Over a tray of these dimensions injected the robot, a type of crane and puts everything he was told by the technical office. This is called there, plotting. So once the external dimensions, then small magnet, he draws with some clear fluid. When it is finished, the tray moves into the next room. Where real people work. A carpenter made formwork for window and door openings. Other employees use cable boxes or rails (for curtains or sliding doors) to the robot by magnets predetermined positions. When and by whom the reinforcing parts are placed, is eluded me. Then moves the tray to down to the ground floor, where the exact amount of concrete has already been delivered. An employee goes to another big robot fills the tray and everything that should be filled.
The next step is a matter of taste. It is shaken. So much so that the earth quakes. I personally feel threatened something and always had the urge to put me on the floor. After all, the heaps and valleys on the tray with a flat now, finally, the result looks like a wall.
After shaking the walls were recently inspected by us in the house ready. Clear that since the two sides were different smooth. Now comes the new device, which I've forgotten the exact name, into play. A large round disk rotates about the concrete and smooth it. As it were a heavy, rotating iron. It still remain Luftlöcherleins. When concrete is piled in front of the smoothing quartz sand, which fills this Löcherleins.
front of the hall were a lot of houses, but not yet assembled. So a lot of walls. Since some (many) people in our region like no concrete will be colored red, then they like it. In addition to the red house we saw testing for black trays (this basement insulation), where the insulation was poured on the concrete.
walls that are insulated with thermal insulation composite systems are not smooth on the outside, but roughened so that the WVS better babbt it. Pardon, that was Swabian. That means: keep it.
cavity walls consist of two linked by iron thin walls, the cavity is then filled with concrete on site. Double walls with styrofoam or other Dämm-/Isolierungsmaterial. They are complicated and expensive. In addition, thick. Under 40 cm to make anything. And I have been suffering with my 36 cm. So it is nüscht.
Fortunately, the news that a concrete core is not complicated or terribly expensive. It sounds to me layman who does not like to sweat, extremely attractive. The floor is well known from the ceiling, that is calibrated for the normal people on the floor. Down in the ceiling, that is where it hangs over our heads we are happy to settle the spiders, you can also put tubes. Due to the high flows in summer, cool water. Because heat rises and cold down, we find this activation is simply cool.
The reader may forgive that these details are described in such detail. The wealth of information will be sorted and this diary will help the overburdened building (m) mistress, in two weeks to even remember it. Therefore, some short notes:
- structural engineer needs to be clarified
- contractors may have to work carefully. Unlike Duplo our system can not be taken apart again, if inadvertently the wrong wall was used. A large window front to the north to the road we can not sparkling.
- there was something wrong with storing the waste air chimney. Goes some way but up.
- What are convectors?
- Mr architect but actually right: a flat roof should be tight. No matter whether concrete or wood underneath. Or?
- on sheer wall places I have not understood whether the window when seat assignments can and must. We want it flush with the outer wall. Tomorrow we have appointment with energy consultants and maybe one idea.
- The soffits (1) A new theme for me, but I think I have understood it. A simple square wall is less prone to cracking than one with for example a door lintel. So was the idea of making ceiling-high sliding doors. This results in more work on the site - more pieces of the puzzle.

- The soffits (2) The wall is hollow when filling the spot on the front page never as beautiful as the solid wall. So there are to get there where the windows / doors etc. In the picture I have been exaggerated:

"touched" by me as the named version is given a protective cap to the concrete on site is not to verruckelt fails. The architects like Lord at all. He's just an angular man ;-)
Seriously, it is these details, the little things that cause discomfort afterwards. Or call out especially well-being. We are in the case of hollow walls probably have to make any disguise. That suits me not at first. As Mr offers concrete-and-field expert at all a solution: the Vals quartzite.
Yep, a few days ago our Lieblingspostbote was bent before the door would not go away and admit that I Wear package itself into the apartment. I naively thought that I was not as old as I look. The stuff is incredibly difficult! Why the Vals Therme have not crashed? And all Holzhüttchen there have roofs made of this material megatons. Almost overwhelming.
But more stunning was the contents of the package. There is the stone in three variations:
- light
- gray
- Eye quartzite
We like light, which has beautiful stripes. Mr. cast-field expert is a hobby, natural stone and says, any wall, we are still able to make it. The stone would be easy to ... Yes, I think so too. Now he proposes to trim to make the Ortbetonstreifen in Vals quartzite stripes.
Well, now we will all be finally sit down and eat something.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Can I Replace The Lock On Usps Mailbox
It's not just us as
also Blogbau provides not only benefits the new building:
How true.
also Blogbau provides not only benefits the new building:
It was in the planning phase, as was decided to be that the old part of the building remains and will only be extended much more easily complete the planning, as a new programming. Order to agree, it takes a little bit. Vorallendingen one can easily say later: "It was just not because it is not hergab the shape of the old house." So one can only hope that all previous decisions were in the planning of the new building well thought out. The will turn out but for sure until later ...
How true.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Male Brazilian Wax London Ontario
sleep and discouraged
Thank you dear Roman
Yesterday we had "Kompakttag" said Mr architect calls it. From 13:30 to 19:30 clock ... Plans, procedures, costs, material. At home on the sofa, eyes closed, a material film with price tags running on my own personal ARD. Unfortunately, in sizes that have to do with the usual Saturday special offers nothing more. No € 0.99 but tens of thousands. To the PC stumbled spontaneously clicked the offers of two prefabricated house manufacturers. This is somehow more clearly, we choose from a prepared menu and the water level varies in manageable sizes.
Should we really rebuild? Last night we seemed far more attractive. After a sleepless night with getrottelt half mast in the village store. Is it not in the corner ...? Augenreib * * Yes, it is. The friend, the beginning of the year is collected and (almost) has it all behind.
"You had at least one partner with whom you could discuss things."
"Are you kidding? He wanted the whole project is not. I had my sleepless nights, the personification of 'no' are next to me."
Hm, maybe I should Schmonzeten the Australian novel but grateful for the night his company ... A
only a very small list of the sticking points:
a real cost factor, as it is particularly mentioned the tens of thousands. In addition to the prizes, facades still be worth more aspects that overwhelm us. Depending on the condition they must be suspended or ventilated. Ventilated spider breeding establishment means ... Then, the window sills, which must also be bent or according to what always will be, depending on ... Today
night between 3 und 6 clock keep coming up with the building diaries from the north. All the bricks, we like clinker. With so many make it up there it may a) not sooo complicated and b) not be sooo expensive heath. Why reinvent the wheel? We will even knock on Maja.
This morning (afternoon), we stumble across the site diary by Michel of Lönneberga . He is planning a black façade, which is also with us again and again in conversation. Only it seems to be with him wood - where no to exterior wood, we maintain stubborn. Finally, is the iron rule: the tree must be grown if the material must be replaced. We are not in vain member of the WWF. Please do not misunderstand: this is our very subjective decision, we do no one even in the distant points to criticize, who sees it differently.
Each door format, which differs from the standard, is supplied without warranty, because it could warp. If even says the manufacturer, they could, then they will too. Or not? depart
If we mention our desire material, then we want a really expensive alternative. OG and UG get oiled oak parquet industry. Even if they do not currently 'in' is, we know in our Mietwohnheim appreciate.
our focus here seems less than the calculation to be adopted. Mr. Architect calculated from experience: all the builders have claimed in the planning phase and could not resist later. We put on discipline, in favor of the Garden Spa.
Our request to a bathtub practical rather than aesthetic. From bitter experience. First, we want to acrylic because we chatter in the strength iron tub was when reading the arm rests.
Second, we do not go down abruptly. Our Mietbadewanne is built with a view to the wall. So all we are sitting with your back to the vertical and the feet on the inclined side to look at gene window. Regularly makes it swish and we are in the country.
Also Mr. architect has his dreams. But we have to see whether this is feasible and affordable.
update on the evening
ago, we were with the above-mentioned friend site. Unbelievable how much they know and like me she has built up step by step, again without trivializing it.
the end the question: do you want? I feel 30 years younger again (that is about as old as I am) and yes, I will. This is a dream and dreams are realized not one without insomnia.
Thank you dear Roman
Yesterday we had "Kompakttag" said Mr architect calls it. From 13:30 to 19:30 clock ... Plans, procedures, costs, material. At home on the sofa, eyes closed, a material film with price tags running on my own personal ARD. Unfortunately, in sizes that have to do with the usual Saturday special offers nothing more. No € 0.99 but tens of thousands. To the PC stumbled spontaneously clicked the offers of two prefabricated house manufacturers. This is somehow more clearly, we choose from a prepared menu and the water level varies in manageable sizes.
Should we really rebuild? Last night we seemed far more attractive. After a sleepless night with getrottelt half mast in the village store. Is it not in the corner ...? Augenreib * * Yes, it is. The friend, the beginning of the year is collected and (almost) has it all behind.
"You had at least one partner with whom you could discuss things."
"Are you kidding? He wanted the whole project is not. I had my sleepless nights, the personification of 'no' are next to me."
Hm, maybe I should Schmonzeten the Australian novel but grateful for the night his company ... A
only a very small list of the sticking points:
a real cost factor, as it is particularly mentioned the tens of thousands. In addition to the prizes, facades still be worth more aspects that overwhelm us. Depending on the condition they must be suspended or ventilated. Ventilated spider breeding establishment means ... Then, the window sills, which must also be bent or according to what always will be, depending on ... Today
night between 3 und 6 clock keep coming up with the building diaries from the north. All the bricks, we like clinker. With so many make it up there it may a) not sooo complicated and b) not be sooo expensive heath. Why reinvent the wheel? We will even knock on Maja.
This morning (afternoon), we stumble across the site diary by Michel of Lönneberga . He is planning a black façade, which is also with us again and again in conversation. Only it seems to be with him wood - where no to exterior wood, we maintain stubborn. Finally, is the iron rule: the tree must be grown if the material must be replaced. We are not in vain member of the WWF. Please do not misunderstand: this is our very subjective decision, we do no one even in the distant points to criticize, who sees it differently.
Each door format, which differs from the standard, is supplied without warranty, because it could warp. If even says the manufacturer, they could, then they will too. Or not? depart
If we mention our desire material, then we want a really expensive alternative. OG and UG get oiled oak parquet industry. Even if they do not currently 'in' is, we know in our Mietwohnheim appreciate.
our focus here seems less than the calculation to be adopted. Mr. Architect calculated from experience: all the builders have claimed in the planning phase and could not resist later. We put on discipline, in favor of the Garden Spa.
Our request to a bathtub practical rather than aesthetic. From bitter experience. First, we want to acrylic because we chatter in the strength iron tub was when reading the arm rests.
Second, we do not go down abruptly. Our Mietbadewanne is built with a view to the wall. So all we are sitting with your back to the vertical and the feet on the inclined side to look at gene window. Regularly makes it swish and we are in the country.
Also Mr. architect has his dreams. But we have to see whether this is feasible and affordable.
update on the evening
ago, we were with the above-mentioned friend site. Unbelievable how much they know and like me she has built up step by step, again without trivializing it.
the end the question: do you want? I feel 30 years younger again (that is about as old as I am) and yes, I will. This is a dream and dreams are realized not one without insomnia.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New Baby Born Sms Greetings
"Prices should you know, call on last, "said the wise expert stone of our confidence on the phone the next day began with the same phone call." If you will be able to pay at least x.5xx € per square meter, we can introduce the system happy. "I do not know if I am able and it will open any further. For I am not ready. When asked whether there would be near private reference objects, I was told the nature of private individuals, in this system to invest (that are able to?) were not ready to show off their house. And this kind of private people, I do not want to belong.
reports Quietly hanging up the phone to the window profile bang in mind. I reassure him with my spontaneously developed strategy: the distributors of this system also make other things, as we will see even more what we can live with. In addition, figures smoke and mirrors. We have over 9 feet of windows, we can also live up weißnichtwieviel profiles of 5 centimeters. But please not one, not that, please: a post-and-beam facade, in which the moving elements sit with bold frame it. I know that the moment is the architectural and construction hit (m) men should be as far as possible retain, but not the . Not even the car dealership or the New Apostolic Church on this reference page . Or even the third object here with the yellow windows. Most, if distracting with so much art and letters such as .
Ticino has a distribution partner that also performs other objects. with the sliding door fronts la Michele Arnaboldi we can live with. They do not have to be silver . Even so we could live, which is then also the limit of our ability to compromise. * Sob *
And we find a stone shower . For today is enough, we will not ask if we tolerate this stone was any water or even how many square meters of costs. Perhaps it would be better to visit no more Swiss websites. The Swiss franc is currently favorable, a Rustico by Giovan Luigi Dazio might be in it ....
We still do not move out, we only have a small feeling low after the Italian master-exported yesterday eloquently why he would never build in life in Germany. As a consolation he offered me to organize a good stone publishers from his homeland.
"Prices should you know, call on last, "said the wise expert stone of our confidence on the phone the next day began with the same phone call." If you will be able to pay at least x.5xx € per square meter, we can introduce the system happy. "I do not know if I am able and it will open any further. For I am not ready. When asked whether there would be near private reference objects, I was told the nature of private individuals, in this system to invest (that are able to?) were not ready to show off their house. And this kind of private people, I do not want to belong.
reports Quietly hanging up the phone to the window profile bang in mind. I reassure him with my spontaneously developed strategy: the distributors of this system also make other things, as we will see even more what we can live with. In addition, figures smoke and mirrors. We have over 9 feet of windows, we can also live up weißnichtwieviel profiles of 5 centimeters. But please not one, not that, please: a post-and-beam facade, in which the moving elements sit with bold frame it. I know that the moment is the architectural and construction hit (m) men should be as far as possible retain, but not the . Not even the car dealership or the New Apostolic Church on this reference page . Or even the third object here with the yellow windows. Most, if distracting with so much art and letters such as .
Ticino has a distribution partner that also performs other objects. with the sliding door fronts la Michele Arnaboldi we can live with. They do not have to be silver . Even so we could live, which is then also the limit of our ability to compromise. * Sob *
And we find a stone shower . For today is enough, we will not ask if we tolerate this stone was any water or even how many square meters of costs. Perhaps it would be better to visit no more Swiss websites. The Swiss franc is currently favorable, a Rustico by Giovan Luigi Dazio might be in it ....
We still do not move out, we only have a small feeling low after the Italian master-exported yesterday eloquently why he would never build in life in Germany. As a consolation he offered me to organize a good stone publishers from his homeland.
How Long To Cat Allergies Last
cause all calls to Vals
The bartender of the hotel is interested in architecture and sends me into a new restaurant in town. They would have processed the granite very modern and chic. And yep, we like .
Our research in terms of stone now have opened a source where we can purchase the Ticino "granite". We even receive samples. It became clear that transport costs and times to play a role. A further question arises: the quarry can cut the size you want, without us to rob the (financial) future?
On the way back from Ticino, we take a lunch break in Splügen and study a local map. Oh, look at. The famous Therme Vals distance are very close, unfortunately, the intermediate peaks not in a hurry to overcome. On regular roads we would have to invest two hours, that's too far.
Whenever we speak of our fondness for natural stone, we are addressed by competent staff in Vals, Peter Zumthor. A friend of the 10 percent heard of swimmers who do not study architecture has, yesterday indicated that Valles is on the north side of the Alps (transportation), and so much in this candy bar adduced that, for the supplying quarry now routine should be. Google is due, we find the family with the desired masonry . Oh, Norman Forster is expensive ... But there are also Rentals . Whether they're so expensive, too?
evaluated the natural stone expert we trust the stone and its qualities as outstanding. If I have understood correctly, it is broken down into layers (or is it built in layers?), And in any case, this stone is more problematic for large prints. We will see ...
The bartender of the hotel is interested in architecture and sends me into a new restaurant in town. They would have processed the granite very modern and chic. And yep, we like .
Our research in terms of stone now have opened a source where we can purchase the Ticino "granite". We even receive samples. It became clear that transport costs and times to play a role. A further question arises: the quarry can cut the size you want, without us to rob the (financial) future?
On the way back from Ticino, we take a lunch break in Splügen and study a local map. Oh, look at. The famous Therme Vals distance are very close, unfortunately, the intermediate peaks not in a hurry to overcome. On regular roads we would have to invest two hours, that's too far.
Whenever we speak of our fondness for natural stone, we are addressed by competent staff in Vals, Peter Zumthor. A friend of the 10 percent heard of swimmers who do not study architecture has, yesterday indicated that Valles is on the north side of the Alps (transportation), and so much in this candy bar adduced that, for the supplying quarry now routine should be. Google is due, we find the family with the desired masonry . Oh, Norman Forster is expensive ... But there are also Rentals . Whether they're so expensive, too?
evaluated the natural stone expert we trust the stone and its qualities as outstanding. If I have understood correctly, it is broken down into layers (or is it built in layers?), And in any case, this stone is more problematic for large prints. We will see ...
Reset Ibank License Info
And another Tessinerhaus
The Architecture Guide tempts me to a village on the mountain. Sophie navigation whistles that I should go directly into the village. I find no prohibition signs, but the houses are so close together that I will not really allowed. Behind me honks a Ticino and hey presto we are in it. Whether we get out of it ever again? The flat roof on columns, we are looking for can not, save us a small mountain road and the maneuver twice, we pass a house, that impresses itself. So much so that we come back two days later, again with camera and child. While child guards the car, I make the images quickly. The sign in front of the house, we can identify them later ...
Can we build something modern in this historic town?
meantime, we have read the sign and learn thanks to the Internet, we have a shot designed by the artist's studio. I hope he does not mind us that.
The Architecture Guide tempts me to a village on the mountain. Sophie navigation whistles that I should go directly into the village. I find no prohibition signs, but the houses are so close together that I will not really allowed. Behind me honks a Ticino and hey presto we are in it. Whether we get out of it ever again? The flat roof on columns, we are looking for can not, save us a small mountain road and the maneuver twice, we pass a house, that impresses itself. So much so that we come back two days later, again with camera and child. While child guards the car, I make the images quickly. The sign in front of the house, we can identify them later ...
Can we build something modern in this historic town?

meantime, we have read the sign and learn thanks to the Internet, we have a shot designed by the artist's studio. I hope he does not mind us that.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Honeywell Rth3100c Rheem
A week in Ticino ...
... more was not possible. The first three days it rained from every pore - the lake rose by a meter and we had to work hard not to think of the flood of 2000. At that time our exit in time to save our car from the floods -> two hours later, the parking lot was flooded. And in time to the San Bernadino to happen -> on the same day he was blocked by a landslide.
And yet the weather recreation pure. Whether it is on the light or even in August, working fireplace, this place is good. The rest of the week increased from pleasant spring temperatures until the summer. A typical Ticino element we have identified in our weather-independent activity as final value: covered open space. One might call it pergolas, galleries and balconies, the roof protects both from water and from a surfeit of sun.
A first andener local architectural guide proved to be not in the original sense, but very efficient. Sophie's navigation system took us despite the somewhat unorthodox Ticino street reliably affected in the organization Region. But times to admire the view of the building was covered by a huge canvas (renovation) or newly acquired residences stood in the way, the residents wary watch the contortions of the building (m) mistresses-neck. Since we preferred to travel by road led residents, we discovered other interesting buildings that are not (yet) included in the architectural guide. Advantage: our perception of German architecture was not confused.
After the construction (m) mistress of an early morning in a bathrobe was saved only by free purchase of the hotel staff before being arrested, she was chairman of the council and police chief almost two days later appointed an honorary citizen. Then was also the Swiss television for us filmenswert. The channel shows such good movies, that he was removed years ago from our network - we must not look at us.
Back to our body and stomach theme: Architecture. Yesterday was meeting in the architect's office, various elements have been rotated by 90 degrees, windows installed, converted into rooms, toilets and showers separated by walls designed to open fire and Mozart can penetrate into more remote corners. Back home announces construction (m) herrin the good news: the end of next week, submitted the planning application. Construction (m) herrin child is stunned: "And then?"
"Then you go."
"You can started but not yet! "
" Why not? "
" You know not what you want to build your all. "
Ahem, that's what happens when you look with irritated pout gene ceiling when a plan appears on the horizon . ... The
seems now to have recognized the child, mother pulls out a plan and explained the child can not stand still mine, the site has been assigned to Mother now dawns on him. which is beautiful and already we have. . again the debate of who has what right to which fire You'll be right -. we have enough space, we still argue about decades
herrin What the ambitious construction (m) longer weighs on the soul, the conclusion of their architectural journey. On the way back we passed the Navi remove obstinate to the east, are driven by the Bregenzer country and have in a small village street sign happens to us was welcome in Bavaria. No customs post, not a barrier, a nearly non-existent border. And it is obvious for people interested in architecture the border. In the form of Erkerchen and little balcony, which are not reasonably available, but flay square meter. Development plans.
Our architect is known to be creative in terms of the interpretation of these rules. All the more amusing that we find in roof forms prescribed free Ascona two houses, the misery, from which they were born, are not clear.
Our development plan provides for a maximum roof pitch of XY °, a minimum does not say. So actually ... But you never know, so we are grateful Ascona - you can also build voluntarily Sun
What we show below, you can personally find interesting or beautiful or terrible. We're about a central point: diversity. And a question: has anything other than the default, while being terribly expensive?
a house here in colored concrete:
Man, the pictures enlarge by clicking, then you see the classic concrete characteristics.
Another new development with a combination of stone and metal roof. Sorry, here is a feature that building (m) is not mistress pleases: the windows consist of more frames than glass.
dark metal (I will not set me on to what exactly it is) is actually just 'in'. Unfortunately, difficult to photograph, in the picture is lamellar, although the digital world, they like to interpret as circles.
This is even building entrance (m) rule-Young agrees:
And see the fins in the vicinity of:
Our favorite house, we will show later in a separate posting.
... more was not possible. The first three days it rained from every pore - the lake rose by a meter and we had to work hard not to think of the flood of 2000. At that time our exit in time to save our car from the floods -> two hours later, the parking lot was flooded. And in time to the San Bernadino to happen -> on the same day he was blocked by a landslide.
And yet the weather recreation pure. Whether it is on the light or even in August, working fireplace, this place is good. The rest of the week increased from pleasant spring temperatures until the summer. A typical Ticino element we have identified in our weather-independent activity as final value: covered open space. One might call it pergolas, galleries and balconies, the roof protects both from water and from a surfeit of sun.
A first andener local architectural guide proved to be not in the original sense, but very efficient. Sophie's navigation system took us despite the somewhat unorthodox Ticino street reliably affected in the organization Region. But times to admire the view of the building was covered by a huge canvas (renovation) or newly acquired residences stood in the way, the residents wary watch the contortions of the building (m) mistresses-neck. Since we preferred to travel by road led residents, we discovered other interesting buildings that are not (yet) included in the architectural guide. Advantage: our perception of German architecture was not confused.
After the construction (m) mistress of an early morning in a bathrobe was saved only by free purchase of the hotel staff before being arrested, she was chairman of the council and police chief almost two days later appointed an honorary citizen. Then was also the Swiss television for us filmenswert. The channel shows such good movies, that he was removed years ago from our network - we must not look at us.
Back to our body and stomach theme: Architecture. Yesterday was meeting in the architect's office, various elements have been rotated by 90 degrees, windows installed, converted into rooms, toilets and showers separated by walls designed to open fire and Mozart can penetrate into more remote corners. Back home announces construction (m) herrin the good news: the end of next week, submitted the planning application. Construction (m) herrin child is stunned: "And then?"
"Then you go."
"You can started but not yet! "
" Why not? "
" You know not what you want to build your all. "
Ahem, that's what happens when you look with irritated pout gene ceiling when a plan appears on the horizon . ... The
seems now to have recognized the child, mother pulls out a plan and explained the child can not stand still mine, the site has been assigned to Mother now dawns on him. which is beautiful and already we have. . again the debate of who has what right to which fire You'll be right -. we have enough space, we still argue about decades
herrin What the ambitious construction (m) longer weighs on the soul, the conclusion of their architectural journey. On the way back we passed the Navi remove obstinate to the east, are driven by the Bregenzer country and have in a small village street sign happens to us was welcome in Bavaria. No customs post, not a barrier, a nearly non-existent border. And it is obvious for people interested in architecture the border. In the form of Erkerchen and little balcony, which are not reasonably available, but flay square meter. Development plans.
Our architect is known to be creative in terms of the interpretation of these rules. All the more amusing that we find in roof forms prescribed free Ascona two houses, the misery, from which they were born, are not clear.

Our development plan provides for a maximum roof pitch of XY °, a minimum does not say. So actually ... But you never know, so we are grateful Ascona - you can also build voluntarily Sun
What we show below, you can personally find interesting or beautiful or terrible. We're about a central point: diversity. And a question: has anything other than the default, while being terribly expensive?
a house here in colored concrete:

Man, the pictures enlarge by clicking, then you see the classic concrete characteristics.

Another new development with a combination of stone and metal roof. Sorry, here is a feature that building (m) is not mistress pleases: the windows consist of more frames than glass.

dark metal (I will not set me on to what exactly it is) is actually just 'in'. Unfortunately, difficult to photograph, in the picture is lamellar, although the digital world, they like to interpret as circles.

And see the fins in the vicinity of:

Our favorite house, we will show later in a separate posting.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Brazilian Wax Male Louisville
pit and no roof "
The architect calls it sculpture, construction (m) a halo mistress, construction (m) junior finished the term chaos in its own way: "The newly build a pit." This is the accusation against anyone who wants to know what about the new building.
is still planning the "dispute process", but the pit is secured as well as the decision that there will be no roof. But let's start from the beginning. Since there was initially the idea of the two buildings by connect to a stop.
advantages in addition to the (very subjective) appearance:
So we turned to the alternative draft. Here again the north side of the road:
The gym has no roof over, the new building is set lower. To illustrate the current situation in Pink:
With building height ratios (m) rule is not very talented, so we have the issue with the lower ground floor, paced off the ground and dug virtual. And in fact, by the container it goes uphill to the front door. The handful framed in pink We need not, because ...
... with the lower EC set we come to the south just in the garden:
It will look something like this:
The expert has long since discovered that the gym not only taken the roof was, but it was somehow higher. Yep, this is a result of the process of the architect. He is on modeling. The earlier times by the surveyors created 3-D computer model was rebuilt using rods and Pappscheibchen pixel in a completely free site model. Currently, there is again the architectural firm, to transform craft the latest results, therefore we can not show it. accepted
When the new building next to the gym shapes, it soon became clear that the roofs have gone, and replaced the gym a parapet. Then a week later came the pit. Unsatisfactory for all concerned was always the topic of "Fugue", ie the transition between the two buildings. Until now, these are to a staircase, see arrow:
we need for our current use of a compound of two UG's, above the entrance of the tenant to the EC the gym. At first glance it looks , as if the new draft retains the joint and just visually aufbessert. If you do not know that it is only recently, is a (glass) wall in the north. Behind it is the above-mentioned pit, in yellow:
We are located at basement level, in light blue, the covered, glass-enclosed passageway between the buildings. In the green floor-length windows of the spaces A (new construction) and B (Gym), which overlook the courtyard.
Since we had to pit. It quickly became clear that we wanted to find a privacy shield of fall protection. This led to the north wall, which is about the size and material being discussed. As far as we must discuss material at all, because Mr architect is not it still really responsive. Only in the sense of brainstorming, the final discussion can be carried out if the planning is fundamental. Secretly, we google us by pre-ventilated facades and hope to be able to avoid the plaster.
Thanks to the two newly acquired Rooms A and B of the floor plan of the new building will be reduced. Three versions were vergrundrisst size. We learned that roads need much space. Why were the bathrooms larger smaller floor plan? Because a door is less of a much larger bathroom. At the price of a through room. Connecting Rooms see floor plans right from harmless ...
.... ergo, we are building in sketchup to the plans and re-enact daily life situations. Building cabinets a measure, from the garden table and place it under various roofs. And revise our previous old-owner ignorance. It is much easier herumzupuzzeln of something present, something to recreate it. We find now.
The architect calls it sculpture, construction (m) a halo mistress, construction (m) junior finished the term chaos in its own way: "The newly build a pit." This is the accusation against anyone who wants to know what about the new building.
is still planning the "dispute process", but the pit is secured as well as the decision that there will be no roof. But let's start from the beginning. Since there was initially the idea of the two buildings by connect to a stop.

advantages in addition to the (very subjective) appearance:
- covered entrances to both houses
- passage between the houses in the garden
- a beautiful room with west balcony upstairs
So we turned to the alternative draft. Here again the north side of the road:

The gym has no roof over, the new building is set lower. To illustrate the current situation in Pink:

With building height ratios (m) rule is not very talented, so we have the issue with the lower ground floor, paced off the ground and dug virtual. And in fact, by the container it goes uphill to the front door. The handful framed in pink We need not, because ...

... with the lower EC set we come to the south just in the garden:

It will look something like this:

The expert has long since discovered that the gym not only taken the roof was, but it was somehow higher. Yep, this is a result of the process of the architect. He is on modeling. The earlier times by the surveyors created 3-D computer model was rebuilt using rods and Pappscheibchen pixel in a completely free site model. Currently, there is again the architectural firm, to transform craft the latest results, therefore we can not show it. accepted
When the new building next to the gym shapes, it soon became clear that the roofs have gone, and replaced the gym a parapet. Then a week later came the pit. Unsatisfactory for all concerned was always the topic of "Fugue", ie the transition between the two buildings. Until now, these are to a staircase, see arrow:

we need for our current use of a compound of two UG's, above the entrance of the tenant to the EC the gym. At first glance it looks , as if the new draft retains the joint and just visually aufbessert. If you do not know that it is only recently, is a (glass) wall in the north. Behind it is the above-mentioned pit, in yellow:

We are located at basement level, in light blue, the covered, glass-enclosed passageway between the buildings. In the green floor-length windows of the spaces A (new construction) and B (Gym), which overlook the courtyard.
Since we had to pit. It quickly became clear that we wanted to find a privacy shield of fall protection. This led to the north wall, which is about the size and material being discussed. As far as we must discuss material at all, because Mr architect is not it still really responsive. Only in the sense of brainstorming, the final discussion can be carried out if the planning is fundamental. Secretly, we google us by pre-ventilated facades and hope to be able to avoid the plaster.
Thanks to the two newly acquired Rooms A and B of the floor plan of the new building will be reduced. Three versions were vergrundrisst size. We learned that roads need much space. Why were the bathrooms larger smaller floor plan? Because a door is less of a much larger bathroom. At the price of a through room. Connecting Rooms see floor plans right from harmless ...
.... ergo, we are building in sketchup to the plans and re-enact daily life situations. Building cabinets a measure, from the garden table and place it under various roofs. And revise our previous old-owner ignorance. It is much easier herumzupuzzeln of something present, something to recreate it. We find now.
Friday, July 13, 2007
What Std Does Ampicillan Treat
Prompted by a wunderschnieken iPod, the junior was given recently, we have new a new research line on "Multimedia" was opened. Since Sophie (our car) two years ago came to us and we needed for the planned crossing of France still right music, we know the ability to buy music online and from CD's composing.
ran two years ago this way: In Windows Media player, we listened to several hits and loaded down what pleased. We put at least five new user-ID's with three different passwords (because of different password rules) and searched on the hard drive where the songs were actually executed load.
All this settled, offered five different programs to burn the CD. Sophie has a neat display on which the title and artist can be displayed. But not every software does that burned a CD today is fast, so you could see a long evening, the building (m) ca mistress all 15 minutes with a disc in his hand to Sophie run, cursing, and then run back to the computer.
Then test phase 2: the TV in combination with the DVD player. The stack of slices piled up since found out as the program that was read by two (Nero Burning ROM), still had to be elicited, where there just typing the title and artist, so they appear correctly.
the middle of the test phase we went to France for two years, we love our self-made, by both readable CD Diplays hot and radiate. If we find them, as sometimes they stibietzt the offspring. Its plant has no display. We dare not, the youngsters for the 17 others CD's with the same content to pin down, otherwise it calls for a system with a display.
Coming back is a France-crossing, we thought to put one (or 18 ..) new CD. Of the many user ID's still one was saved, where you can buy songs for 1.49 €. So the charts browsed, downloaded a few songs, then the iPod came wunderschnieke between. For which there is iTunes. And Apple is supposed to be sooo comfortable ...
downloaded iTunes, installed, while the 537th Version of QuickTime installed with. iTunes started. Error message. Any audio configuration is incorrect. By support-or dug, as amended five different system settings. iTunes eight uninstalled and reinstalled. We had eliminated the most common causes until finally showed up our cause. We had the 544th uninstall the older version of QuickTime, reboot and then install a different stand-alone version of QuickTime again, reboot the computer and lo and behold it ran.
Now, a day after the arrival of the iPod, we were finally able to load music on it. Young was overjoyed and wanted to also have a favorite CD on it. While the Windows Media Player the CD copied without objection, bucked iTunes and offered us the music to buy. Although only 0.99 € per song, but we had already purchased the songs yet! Again a day later we had so many conversions Imports and tried to a favorite CD was finally landed on the iPod. Hopefully this will continue in the coming years a favorite CD ...
Then iTunes (very experienced) installed on PC junior. Are purchased, only on our PC, so both must synchronize iTunes to iPod. Children will not iPod all the songs on his mother's favorite. We do not know how we will solve the ...
wanted Now we import our present on the computer music in iTunes. Since iTunes was more than hesitant. Two more days to Import and everything clicked, delete the duplicate entries on the hard drive again and investigated to find out which songs are. It was noticeable that some of the songs from the Sophie-arrival phase in ra-format are there. Grmpf.
Since the iTunes songs were cheaper, came the next test phase: buy from iTunes. Works quite well, except for one song that we have bought by mistake twice. Since the store is there than our existing merciless. How do we get these songs now on our Windows Media Player? It's simple: burn to CD, insert the CD and copy of WMP from the medium. Unfortunately, we must enter all new file information ...
And now the ultimate end goal: Nero Burning ROM. I forget exactly where the title and the interpreter must be entered. At least we now have a CD that gives us the title market. ITunes will recognize that Nero burned to file properties on the CD? Yes it does. But it is copying the songs without permission in his library. Which song was the original? Delete in the fear of losing something, we the shorter version. Think again. That was the original downloaded. Since Nero is always 2 seconds to fire break, the copies are longer.
To summarize: we have a car radio, DVD player, an iPod and two computers. Up to 7 users with individual musical preferences and permissions. Actually, no complex constellation in comparison to what is planned for the future home ...
... how the heck are we supposed to ever user-friendly (and silberscheiben-/festplattensparend) gone??
After all, we have tracked down on our software technology travel a couple of nice new songs. Thanks to the English Prince (Concert for Diana):
James Morrisson , Joss Stone (-> Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now -> absolute favorite <-), P Diddy, Fergie, Natasha Bedingfield ...
From geothermal concert we heard nothing, for it has brought us the young to the iTunes-browsing on Elvis was never our case heidenei But, in view of the live performances of today's sizes had really what it ...
Addendum..: Monday morning report to the computer, it had restarted due to a software update. iTunes was a new error message, do not run anymore. We have drilled all the above learned routine, until we accidentally in the apple-side on one side landed, which offered a new version of iTunes. This is again downloaded everything. Besides the four songs that we bought right at the beginning of iTunes on our computer. The other 25 songs he has detected.
Prompted by a wunderschnieken iPod, the junior was given recently, we have new a new research line on "Multimedia" was opened. Since Sophie (our car) two years ago came to us and we needed for the planned crossing of France still right music, we know the ability to buy music online and from CD's composing.
ran two years ago this way: In Windows Media player, we listened to several hits and loaded down what pleased. We put at least five new user-ID's with three different passwords (because of different password rules) and searched on the hard drive where the songs were actually executed load.
All this settled, offered five different programs to burn the CD. Sophie has a neat display on which the title and artist can be displayed. But not every software does that burned a CD today is fast, so you could see a long evening, the building (m) ca mistress all 15 minutes with a disc in his hand to Sophie run, cursing, and then run back to the computer.
Then test phase 2: the TV in combination with the DVD player. The stack of slices piled up since found out as the program that was read by two (Nero Burning ROM), still had to be elicited, where there just typing the title and artist, so they appear correctly.
the middle of the test phase we went to France for two years, we love our self-made, by both readable CD Diplays hot and radiate. If we find them, as sometimes they stibietzt the offspring. Its plant has no display. We dare not, the youngsters for the 17 others CD's with the same content to pin down, otherwise it calls for a system with a display.
Coming back is a France-crossing, we thought to put one (or 18 ..) new CD. Of the many user ID's still one was saved, where you can buy songs for 1.49 €. So the charts browsed, downloaded a few songs, then the iPod came wunderschnieke between. For which there is iTunes. And Apple is supposed to be sooo comfortable ...
downloaded iTunes, installed, while the 537th Version of QuickTime installed with. iTunes started. Error message. Any audio configuration is incorrect. By support-or dug, as amended five different system settings. iTunes eight uninstalled and reinstalled. We had eliminated the most common causes until finally showed up our cause. We had the 544th uninstall the older version of QuickTime, reboot and then install a different stand-alone version of QuickTime again, reboot the computer and lo and behold it ran.
Now, a day after the arrival of the iPod, we were finally able to load music on it. Young was overjoyed and wanted to also have a favorite CD on it. While the Windows Media Player the CD copied without objection, bucked iTunes and offered us the music to buy. Although only 0.99 € per song, but we had already purchased the songs yet! Again a day later we had so many conversions Imports and tried to a favorite CD was finally landed on the iPod. Hopefully this will continue in the coming years a favorite CD ...
Then iTunes (very experienced) installed on PC junior. Are purchased, only on our PC, so both must synchronize iTunes to iPod. Children will not iPod all the songs on his mother's favorite. We do not know how we will solve the ...
wanted Now we import our present on the computer music in iTunes. Since iTunes was more than hesitant. Two more days to Import and everything clicked, delete the duplicate entries on the hard drive again and investigated to find out which songs are. It was noticeable that some of the songs from the Sophie-arrival phase in ra-format are there. Grmpf.
Since the iTunes songs were cheaper, came the next test phase: buy from iTunes. Works quite well, except for one song that we have bought by mistake twice. Since the store is there than our existing merciless. How do we get these songs now on our Windows Media Player? It's simple: burn to CD, insert the CD and copy of WMP from the medium. Unfortunately, we must enter all new file information ...
And now the ultimate end goal: Nero Burning ROM. I forget exactly where the title and the interpreter must be entered. At least we now have a CD that gives us the title market. ITunes will recognize that Nero burned to file properties on the CD? Yes it does. But it is copying the songs without permission in his library. Which song was the original? Delete in the fear of losing something, we the shorter version. Think again. That was the original downloaded. Since Nero is always 2 seconds to fire break, the copies are longer.
To summarize: we have a car radio, DVD player, an iPod and two computers. Up to 7 users with individual musical preferences and permissions. Actually, no complex constellation in comparison to what is planned for the future home ...
... how the heck are we supposed to ever user-friendly (and silberscheiben-/festplattensparend) gone??
After all, we have tracked down on our software technology travel a couple of nice new songs. Thanks to the English Prince (Concert for Diana):
James Morrisson , Joss Stone (-> Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now -> absolute favorite <-), P Diddy, Fergie, Natasha Bedingfield ...
From geothermal concert we heard nothing, for it has brought us the young to the iTunes-browsing on Elvis was never our case heidenei But, in view of the live performances of today's sizes had really what it ...
Addendum..: Monday morning report to the computer, it had restarted due to a software update. iTunes was a new error message, do not run anymore. We have drilled all the above learned routine, until we accidentally in the apple-side on one side landed, which offered a new version of iTunes. This is again downloaded everything. Besides the four songs that we bought right at the beginning of iTunes on our computer. The other 25 songs he has detected.
Indian Channels On Hotbird Satellite
too big? Too small? Space program
recognized Overall, construction (m) mistress during the tour, why the topic of "space program" is led by the architect at the top of the list argument. Armed list? Yes, we fight together - all very constructive.
is currently an employee in the office Competition to the draft. There are two basic designs there, but can mature only when the space program is clear. Then there is the architect.
really not a problem if there would not be a problem of perception. While building (m) focus on men's community and staff a new building, architect continually reminded that this is not how an otherwise ordinary house can be planned.
For there is still the basement in the new old building, so we think the former building, which will soon be the old building. All clarities removed? He (the new old house) is replaced for clarity from now the working title gym.
The gym is known to have a basement in the body-in status with not inconsiderable land. But somehow there's a pair of scissors in the head. Architect keeps track and reminds us to see the object as a unit. It is implemented structurally. Say, the lower rooms in the old building and the transition be as comfortable and consistent, that we feel the previously two houses as one.
But we mentally have to think away everything that stands in the way of unity. The roof of the gymnasium, which Glasbausteinfuge with the green door ... The new building will be lower, so he just goes to the garden.
each square meter, we strike the new building will be taken away from the garden. If it all together as a family home with granny flat (Gym EC) considered it to be generous if we just stick with the existing square footage.
provides concrete construction (m) soft mistress her work in the basement of the gym. Also, there will be no guest rooms at the new building.
The gym is refined first so that we can go there as quickly as possible. Construction (m) mistress misses her gerbils shaft already painful. They were active in the past weeks not only in Mietdorf, they also were parked in the building (m) Mansion Street waved and always cheerful. Construction (m) and went sniffing mistress back to their new activity: Music planning experiments. More on that later.
recognized Overall, construction (m) mistress during the tour, why the topic of "space program" is led by the architect at the top of the list argument. Armed list? Yes, we fight together - all very constructive.
is currently an employee in the office Competition to the draft. There are two basic designs there, but can mature only when the space program is clear. Then there is the architect.
really not a problem if there would not be a problem of perception. While building (m) focus on men's community and staff a new building, architect continually reminded that this is not how an otherwise ordinary house can be planned.
For there is still the basement in the new old building, so we think the former building, which will soon be the old building. All clarities removed? He (the new old house) is replaced for clarity from now the working title gym.
The gym is known to have a basement in the body-in status with not inconsiderable land. But somehow there's a pair of scissors in the head. Architect keeps track and reminds us to see the object as a unit. It is implemented structurally. Say, the lower rooms in the old building and the transition be as comfortable and consistent, that we feel the previously two houses as one.

But we mentally have to think away everything that stands in the way of unity. The roof of the gymnasium, which Glasbausteinfuge with the green door ... The new building will be lower, so he just goes to the garden.
each square meter, we strike the new building will be taken away from the garden. If it all together as a family home with granny flat (Gym EC) considered it to be generous if we just stick with the existing square footage.
provides concrete construction (m) soft mistress her work in the basement of the gym. Also, there will be no guest rooms at the new building.
The gym is refined first so that we can go there as quickly as possible. Construction (m) mistress misses her gerbils shaft already painful. They were active in the past weeks not only in Mietdorf, they also were parked in the building (m) Mansion Street waved and always cheerful. Construction (m) and went sniffing mistress back to their new activity: Music
How Much Is An Artley Flute?
precast concrete
Last Saturday sprayed construction (m) mistress and architect in the closeby city and visited a house built over 2 years. Its special feature: it is built of prefabricated concrete elements. Concrete walls have always been a "good" and a "bad" side. In this house the "bad" sites were directed to the staircase and painted.
advantage of precast concrete construction:
Oh, and a concrete house is free of ... as the word simply means again? Earth radiation or magnetic fields? In any case, you can not shrug dowsing for bed preparation and the cell phone has more than poor reception. Whether this is of advantage or disadvantage is up to you. We are undecided.
* update 13 September 2007: this was a good salesman or a giant misunderstanding.
Last Saturday sprayed construction (m) mistress and architect in the closeby city and visited a house built over 2 years. Its special feature: it is built of prefabricated concrete elements. Concrete walls have always been a "good" and a "bad" side. In this house the "bad" sites were directed to the staircase and painted.
advantage of precast concrete construction:
- rapid construction
no cracks*
- no electrician, the slots in newly built walls
- knock either
- no Plasterers
- less repainting
Oh, and a concrete house is free of ... as the word simply means again? Earth radiation or magnetic fields? In any case, you can not shrug dowsing for bed preparation and the cell phone has more than poor reception. Whether this is of advantage or disadvantage is up to you. We are undecided.
* update 13 September 2007: this was a good salesman or a giant misunderstanding.
Fake Bionicle Building Instructions
wristwatch and Alla Hopp
While we read for a breakfast of coffee, the Board series about giant pink in the letter to the editor of our local corner Käsblättles rings the postman. One bag. Bracelet with a clock. From the giant pink. Because not everything went so smoothly.
appointment with PC-Doctor for newly installed operating system on junior PC. He brings with him five minutes earlier by phone ordered CD's.
Construction (m) mistress: "We need a man"
PC-Doctor: "I am a man"
Construction (m) mistress: "Oh, yes ..."
PC-Doctor: "Hoe have you doubts about?"
B (m) h: "No, not because of your manhood, but you like watches?"
Thus, the
were not paid on the invoice included CD's and PC-Doctor has a Zweituhr.
go around five days, the latest cell phone bill and we leave them unopened. Finally, we were hours for days on the phone not only with the hotline of the giant pink. Today a deep breath and opened the thing. Stutz. Augenreib. The hotline is free and from the mobile phone network? And were not there ...??
Conclusion: The giant pink behaved afterwards really decent. Expensive phone calls to the hotline were only the then DSL provider. Was good that we have said that tschüssikoffski.
After we now have DSL at the giant pink, confirmed to us again the Stiftung Warentest in our newfound strategy : first buy, then ask. The provider according to Stiftung Warentest all are bad, the least bad of the Rosaries.
While we read for a breakfast of coffee, the Board series about giant pink in the letter to the editor of our local corner Käsblättles rings the postman. One bag. Bracelet with a clock. From the giant pink. Because not everything went so smoothly.
appointment with PC-Doctor for newly installed operating system on junior PC. He brings with him five minutes earlier by phone ordered CD's.
Construction (m) mistress: "We need a man"
PC-Doctor: "I am a man"
Construction (m) mistress: "Oh, yes ..."
PC-Doctor: "Hoe have you doubts about?"
B (m) h: "No, not because of your manhood, but you like watches?"
Thus, the
were not paid on the invoice included CD's and PC-Doctor has a Zweituhr.
go around five days, the latest cell phone bill and we leave them unopened. Finally, we were
Conclusion: The giant pink behaved afterwards really decent. Expensive phone calls to the hotline were only the then DSL provider. Was good that we have said that tschüssikoffski.
After we now have DSL at the giant pink, confirmed to us again the Stiftung Warentest in our newfound strategy : first buy, then ask. The provider according to Stiftung Warentest all are bad, the least bad of the Rosaries.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Ground Beef And Campbells Cheese Soup
on the desire to narrow window frames muttered the new architect (we still have to find a suitable name) something from, "said Swiss window. Meanwhile we have received the URL . Anyone interested can browse the reference objects. The house in Klosterneuburg is documented on the website of the architects with plans. Fully understand I have still not ...
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Can I Run Car Ok With Thermostat In
small foretaste of ecology, ethics and curious episodes
Wednesday Tomorrow we wake up and wonder, which had fallen on the last night in our food. A television program that had made green by unceremoniously on his head. Or is it a dream?
Regardless, we let the cold water run until it is really cold. Anyone who fishes once saw headlong tumble in the aquarium, does not want his coffee provided with lead. From now on, even in good conscience. When the first cup we cancel the abortion mine converted into a cistern, and instead use a large garden irrigation system into the specifications. In the second cup (high organic lead-free), we prepare a local political battle plan for change in fees.
If the building (m) herrin Now Out of Control? No, she never dreamed of, have a look in the archives the ARD.
the text of the contribution I briefly rattled in the keyboard:
values politicians who silently raising his finger still want to fill your collection plate, arm yourselves. Construction (m) herrin developed a special task force for the personal moral well-being: scraping mud in flood-damaged homes.
PS: in front of the houses is nothing new - tomorrow we have presented two design options.
Wednesday Tomorrow we wake up and wonder, which had fallen on the last night in our food. A television program that had made green by unceremoniously on his head. Or is it a dream?
Regardless, we let the cold water run until it is really cold. Anyone who fishes once saw headlong tumble in the aquarium, does not want his coffee provided with lead. From now on, even in good conscience. When the first cup we cancel the abortion mine converted into a cistern, and instead use a large garden irrigation system into the specifications. In the second cup (high organic lead-free), we prepare a local political battle plan for change in fees.
If the building (m) herrin Now Out of Control? No, she never dreamed of, have a look in the archives the ARD.
the text of the contribution I briefly rattled in the keyboard:
knows every child: Saving water starts with brushing your teeth. Water is expensive, especially in Berlin. Family Rodenkirchen saves where she can. "With the new dishwasher we have also made sure that the very small amount of water consumed." Nevertheless, the family of five pays for an average water consumption Berlin, unbelievable, 1016 € a year for waste water and fresh water.Yes, and we - the building (m) mr economy - could examine the consequences of silted channels a few years ago on the ground. It started with a pitch-black horizon. Shortly thereafter it gushed from the waist-deep manhole covers. Then homes were full. With water. The stuff can hardly be described. Its smells raise pigs in the barns noble rank of a perfume, the consistency is asphalt, concrete & Co in the shade.
"This is our water consumption last year."
"No, that surely can not be."
Also: Save, save. Wherever it goes. It is invested in extra-economical aerators and placed in a special water-saving shower head. And for small business's: Only the economy button. Drinking water containing high quality has its price. fight
While the citizens for every drop of water, the water works with a baffling routine work are employed. More often it is at the hydrants of the City "Water march!". Thousands of gallons of good drinking water flowing down the drain, because the citizens of compulsive saving the fresh water is too long in line to the contamination threat.
"The few water abstraction, or it is always less in the past Years remains, det water stand in it, so we NEN stehended water theoretically decrease because people do not so much. And through this water exchange, we ensure that any contamination do not arise in the first place. "
Saving water is also a problem for the waste water.'s How it looks in the channels. Because the households consume less and less muddied everything. The result is sulfuric acid and eats holes in the pipes, the antidote... out pump the mud and then rinse vigorously What do citizens save on water, must send the waterworks directly into the channel 14 of these special forces are constantly in Berlin blown way and with high pressure to. channel is free again. Thus, saving really expensive.
Jörg Simon, CEO of Berlin Water Works. "Yes, I must tell you honestly, we have big problems with the decline in consumption is reflected in the duct system in the distribution system, down to the sewage treatment plants in the water works An example in the sewer system. The digestion process begin in the channel, thereby the lives of the shorter channels and we have to reinvest earlier in the channels leading to cost increases. All you have to say, we have much higher operating costs reduced. "
figures: while the average daily Berliner spent fifteen years ago still 138l water, are today less than 115 liters. In the same period the price rose, including sewage from 2.66 € to 4.84 € per cubic meter. No wonder.
Jörg Simon: "You have to imagine it like this:.. We have a total relative in the water industry high fixed costs for sewage treatment plants, water works, for the networks, we hold When the decline in consumption must be allocated these fixed costs to less cubic meters be, which then leads to higher prices. "
How much Ulrich Rodenkirchen stingy with the consumption, his water bill more expensive. A vicious circle that will break this man now: Jürgen providers. At the University of Hanover, he studied for years to conserve water dilemma and calls for an economic truism, but which is advised when passing into oblivion. If the consumption increase, the consumption price down.
"The absolute problem with the pricing structure of water supply is that almost exclusive consumption price is charged and only a very low base price share. And this means that the citizen practically a true compulsive saving is initiated, negative with all the consequences."
His proposal: Strong high with the base price per household. The price per liter would be minimal. No need to save. The bottom line would all even cheaper, so showering pleasure without a guilty conscience.
But that is also environmentally responsible? Clearly yes.
Dr. Jörg Rehberg, Association of German Gas and Water.. "The water saving is not for environmental reasons in Germany requires the public water supply uses only 3% of the available resources, we have a very comfortable situation, there is no water shortage in Germany.
the contrary, the Wassersparwut has assumed such proportions in Germany, that the association of water for the first time publicly called for a radical new pricing model.
Rehberg: "Our association works to ensure that the price structure is changed so that significantly higher base prices are fixed. At the same time reduces the quantity-based price. "How this basic
high price may be then
Rehberg:" As we in water up to 80% have fixed costs, it would actually go in that direction. "
And what that means for the water bill, the Rodenkirchen pay with the new model instead of € 1016 only € 480 a year less than half
providers:.." Winner of the new charging model, especially families had several children, the significantly would be relieved. While on the other side would have to single households or consumers pay little more. This would be but in the end just because the cost of water supply primarily caused solely by the port to the network, regardless of the amount of consumption. "
Instead Waterworks made tight, as here in Berlin Johannistal because it uses too little water . Now increases threaten ground water and entire neighborhoods to drown curious result. the pumps must remain in operation and so rushing day by day 25 million gallons of the best ground water unused in the Telptow channel And the children are told that they should save water.. .
the way, the charges are not laid down by the water works, but from the city and municipal councils, and who want to change anything, because they fear that they are then lost votes.
values politicians who silently raising his finger still want to fill your collection plate, arm yourselves. Construction (m) herrin developed a special task force for the personal moral well-being: scraping mud in flood-damaged homes.
PS: in front of the houses is nothing new - tomorrow we have presented two design options.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Doujins Pokemon Online
And more patience
What was found at the site since Pentecost, is more difficult to describe as the pink giant piece. In January we started with the clear requirement not to exclude a new building. Then came the diagnosis of days, the little house took us with his undeniable charm in its spell. When the threat occurs, the question was only whether we can save the stairs.
For reasons that need not be mentioned in public, there was a change of architects. The new architect was taken up after the Whitsun holidays with other projects in hardware, then he began to get acquainted with his team. In this phase, little did the telephone again, called one evening a worthy relative with construction experience and was building (m) herrin accountable. He recalled the key principles that should be considered very unemotional when you build. Unemotional ...
... sleepless nights when we imagined the little house would be renovated as planned in five years we offered for sale. Not a difficult exercise, after we had looked at houses for years and assessed. Actually. The unemotional was probably the difficulty.
The new architect also liked the little house right away. When we made the resulting sleepless nights presumption gently told, it turned out that he is an experienced unemotional machine. "Your cousin has saved us three weeks time, no later then I would have made the same proposal."
The decision was made at a morning thunderstorm, no one has made it easy. Biology and ecology, aesthetic and technical aspects were stressful unemotional scrutinized and weighed.
Bottom Line: to build for today's legitimate standards, will lose a little house), his character and b) just as expensive as a new building, which also still quite offers other opportunities with respect to aesthetics and quality of living.
who has followed the blog here will suspect that this decision in the construction (m) rule requires a cross from schizophrenia shift of perspective. We are still in the internal conversion of the system. Instead of building materials of historical research now anything is possible. It then appeals to the Baubehördentum. This has absolutely seductive and yet our pages over and over again is the uncertainty. It is obviously easier for our mental structure to reorganize some pre-given as to recreate everything. At least almost everything - the new building is now the old building and remain. Although many projects prove the reputation and relationship, that conversions are generally more expensive than planned and never cease to employ their master stock, we still have more manners in front of a building than a conversion.
we are now, after five months out of the modification (m) rule for new building (m) rule and still a little stunned. The architect designs and sketches, wants to show anything yet, but jumps in unannounced bebademantelter Construction (m) mistress over for coffee. His pencil sketches accompanied in his explanation, then he rushes back from there, and picks up the sketches. He teaches construction (m) rule to an unprecedented compromise. According to the motto: If we sacrifice even this really beautiful house, has on its Place come something even better.
We now sleep a little better. The occasional waking we realize that we are new men. Skizzenlos we ask ourselves in thought and spoken Fitzelchen before conception and sleep almost calm again. We now know many of the houses that were built by him. And its clients. The best thing is to let him exercise as possible without interference. All we can contribute right now is patience. And once again patience. will burst in 2012, but then the thread.
What was found at the site since Pentecost, is more difficult to describe as the pink giant piece. In January we started with the clear requirement not to exclude a new building. Then came the diagnosis of days, the little house took us with his undeniable charm in its spell. When the threat occurs, the question was only whether we can save the stairs.
For reasons that need not be mentioned in public, there was a change of architects. The new architect was taken up after the Whitsun holidays with other projects in hardware, then he began to get acquainted with his team. In this phase, little did the telephone again, called one evening a worthy relative with construction experience and was building (m) herrin accountable. He recalled the key principles that should be considered very unemotional when you build. Unemotional ...
... sleepless nights when we imagined the little house would be renovated as planned in five years we offered for sale. Not a difficult exercise, after we had looked at houses for years and assessed. Actually. The unemotional was probably the difficulty.
The new architect also liked the little house right away. When we made the resulting sleepless nights presumption gently told, it turned out that he is an experienced unemotional machine. "Your cousin has saved us three weeks time, no later then I would have made the same proposal."
The decision was made at a morning thunderstorm, no one has made it easy. Biology and ecology, aesthetic and technical aspects were stressful unemotional scrutinized and weighed.
Bottom Line: to build for today's legitimate standards, will lose a little house), his character and b) just as expensive as a new building, which also still quite offers other opportunities with respect to aesthetics and quality of living.
who has followed the blog here will suspect that this decision in the construction (m) rule requires a cross from schizophrenia shift of perspective. We are still in the internal conversion of the system. Instead of building materials of historical research now anything is possible. It then appeals to the Baubehördentum. This has absolutely seductive and yet our pages over and over again is the uncertainty. It is obviously easier for our mental structure to reorganize some pre-given as to recreate everything. At least almost everything - the new building is now the old building and remain. Although many projects prove the reputation and relationship, that conversions are generally more expensive than planned and never cease to employ their master stock, we still have more manners in front of a building than a conversion.
we are now, after five months out of the modification (m) rule for new building (m) rule and still a little stunned. The architect designs and sketches, wants to show anything yet, but jumps in unannounced bebademantelter Construction (m) mistress over for coffee. His pencil sketches accompanied in his explanation, then he rushes back from there, and picks up the sketches. He teaches construction (m) rule to an unprecedented compromise. According to the motto: If we sacrifice even this really beautiful house, has on its Place come something even better.
We now sleep a little better. The occasional waking we realize that we are new men. Skizzenlos we ask ourselves in thought and spoken Fitzelchen before conception and sleep almost calm again. We now know many of the houses that were built by him. And its clients. The best thing is to let him exercise as possible without interference. All we can contribute right now is patience. And once again patience. will burst in 2012, but then the thread.
Will The Third Cervical Cancer Jab Hurt?
What you can never have enough
about 7 years ago two days before Pentecost the lightning struck in our Mietwohnheim. Phone and the Internet were over, husband flew to the U.S. and we spent a quiet UNUSUAL ll hnt Pentecost. The famous giant pink had the phone in time for the return of the spouse repaired.
Since the lightning strike was not decided Rosaries, fate nachzuhelfen a little to the building (m) mr community once again to bring a peaceful Pentecost. We had undoubtedly deserves after all the stress. Thursday before Pentecost, quietly did nothing. had built (m) herrin the DSL device suspected spinnbewebten crawled under the table, pulled plug, drove up and down the computer - nothing did. Hours later at the bakery: "Is your phone broken or did you really ? The connection disconnected "? Excuse"
The phone will work in our Mietwohnheim only on the terrace - this Thursday it was humid -. Bau (m) mistress learns the zahlenabfragende machine lady of the hotline know from Friday it rains, Construction (m) mistress sticks the following week at the terrace door, to ensure receipt.
What happened? In January 2006, shares construction (m) herrin writing change the last name and the account holders. Apparently the pink giant writing has never obtained. Too bad that was amended in January 2006 of the name.
Within one day we came to the conclusion that both sides had made mistakes. Bau (m) mistress had the letter seen with a new name because the phone bill could contain no surprises (fixed price), which landed unopened bills in a basket for the accountant. In order to shorten
the story, here are elaborated in countless phone calls use:
promised, this third thing which was missing for the DSL, set up again. According to the DSL provider could not do that, we should kindly pay Neuanschlussgebühren. This hotline has something like club management people, which are characterized by exquisite kindness. And an even more gracious looser machines lady. Employees could continue to join me, not because they did not understand the menu itself. There is an accountant, no, I do not prefer public records. The woman was great and we are now with DSL the giant pink.
martyrs - masochists? Not at all - Shit happens, but in the future prefer a hand that still has a trace show of good will.
Exactly a month later we had another DSL, a second splitter and a second router. My jubilation was posting a little early, as the responsible software claimed not to recognize the router, but was occasionally still online. Summoned PC doctor solved the problem, he clicked on the router problem OK. Then the software goes on with recognized and unrecognized router everything funzt.
We have PC-Doctor with second splitter and router tempered, he is replacing equipment abolishes its customers. For us, for example, the giant pink permits.
about 7 years ago two days before Pentecost the lightning struck in our Mietwohnheim. Phone and the Internet were over, husband flew to the U.S. and we spent a quiet UNUSUAL
Since the lightning strike was not decided Rosaries, fate nachzuhelfen a little to the building (m) mr community once again to bring a peaceful Pentecost. We had undoubtedly deserves after all the stress. Thursday before Pentecost, quietly did nothing. had built (m) herrin the DSL device suspected spinnbewebten crawled under the table, pulled plug, drove up and down the computer - nothing did. Hours later at the bakery: "Is your phone broken or did you really ? The connection disconnected "? Excuse"
The phone will work in our Mietwohnheim only on the terrace - this Thursday it was humid -. Bau (m) mistress learns the zahlenabfragende machine lady of the hotline know from Friday it rains, Construction (m) mistress sticks the following week at the terrace door, to ensure receipt.
What happened? In January 2006, shares construction (m) herrin writing change the last name and the account holders. Apparently the pink giant writing has never obtained. Too bad that was amended in January 2006 of the name.
Within one day we came to the conclusion that both sides had made mistakes. Bau (m) mistress had the letter seen with a new name because the phone bill could contain no surprises (fixed price), which landed unopened bills in a basket for the accountant. In order to shorten
the story, here are elaborated in countless phone calls use:
- The machine lady say "complaint" or "disorder" since there is no one. Better is "new customer". "Technology" has a pretty good acceptance rate.
- ask for name / department and audible note
- off promise -> "Please do everything with me except one thing: I put through the machine lady"
- call customer number, even if one is to first describe the problem. Everything can be found under the customer number. has described and read, no matter how thoroughly before everything.
- When a fax is useless because they are too many employees in order to find a fax, you must point out that the currently ongoing strike is communicated entirely wrong. Since does not say a striker, they were done too many employees to the legitimate concerns of the customer orders.
- avoid any irony, if not understood the promise of a recall, why is only on the cell phone number ("You have blocked my connection")
- not complain that it ever would take to be made by competent authority. The poor had promised not see the machine lady. If only they themselves by the tooting of advertising and messages studded menu torment. Not
- curse, but if you accidentally end up in the machine lady. Hears all the answers steadfastly polite with "I did not understand you" and starts the whole tooting and trade all over again.
- not throw the phone against the wall. It is the only connection to the outside world.
- The ping-pong game between pink and pink giant giant-Com-Online can be interrupted as follows: "Mr. XY Z from department (see point 2) of pink giant-Com But I said that giant pink-Online is responsible. Please clarify this with him and call me back (on phone numbers, see point 6) or let him call you back.
- If an employee after reading the story takes the concern for fully justified, but unfortunately can not do anything because the computer does not allow and in the name of the whole pink huge economic heartfelt apology, there's only one thing: hang up and consult again the machine lady.
promised, this third thing which was missing for the DSL, set up again. According to the DSL provider could not do that, we should kindly pay Neuanschlussgebühren. This hotline has something like club management people, which are characterized by exquisite kindness. And an even more gracious looser machines lady. Employees could continue to join me, not because they did not understand the menu itself. There is an accountant, no, I do not prefer public records. The woman was great and we are now with DSL the giant pink.
martyrs - masochists? Not at all - Shit happens, but in the future prefer a hand that still has a trace show of good will.
Exactly a month later we had another DSL, a second splitter and a second router. My jubilation was posting a little early, as the responsible software claimed not to recognize the router, but was occasionally still online. Summoned PC doctor solved the problem, he clicked on the router problem OK. Then the software goes on with recognized and unrecognized router everything funzt.
We have PC-Doctor with second splitter and router tempered, he is replacing equipment abolishes its customers. For us, for example, the giant pink permits.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Black History Program Ideas For Church
TaTaTaaahhh ...
... we are back online quickly and flat. Although a day later than desired and spent the day yesterday with eternal loop interwoven hotlines, but who wants to complain because if he is finally back in the right century.
... we are back online quickly and flat. Although a day later than desired and spent the day yesterday with eternal loop interwoven hotlines, but who wants to complain because if he is finally back in the right century.
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