Sunday, May 9, 2010


Takoyaki party

on Saturday had a fellow student from the working group on food Takoyaki-invited to his home. Takoyaki are delicious stuffed with octopus dough balls, served with super tasty sauce. That evening, I was cut so for the first time in a real (and tiny) Japanese apartment, got the first octopus into small pieces and use a takoyaki plate. In principle, it is quite simply the nachzukochen if the things you need in Asialaden gets. The only problem is to get such a Takoyaki-iron, which looks quite similar to the devices with which they baked sweet dutch Poffertjes (or Förtchen) are ... Well I will explore the times when I'm back.

In any case, it was a very funny evening only Japanese, so what happens thanks to the foreign residence hall rather rare. About simple things we were able to partially (at a snail's pace) to talk in Japanese and the ambience with lots of manga and anime figures, which were distributed in the apartment was very authentic.

Since I have the camera in the home leave, I will be late filing the photos over the next week.


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