Not really much going on here lately. Since in the university is to do little about, and unfortunately also the most exciting city at some point lose its special appeal, I enjoy a lot of my free time right now and try to improve my Japanese. Since I have this semester increased Kanji (Chinese character) learning, this is a very beautiful agony It is interesting and exciting new characters to learn, to keep them you have to repeat them constantly. I have finally arrived at about 400 characters and you have the feeling grows over my head. To read a newspaper you need just 2000th
In one physics course that I'm taking this semester, there was this week a guest lecture by an American professor who has about ten years, once worked as a technology adviser to the White House. Among other things, he has constructed the incredibly eyes of mosquitoes and houseflies described, and thus explains why mosquitoes and flies can be killed as easily as heavy. Very interesting and somehow matching the book I just read (Richard Dawkins - The Greatest Show on Earth).
are now completed all planning a surfing trip, I would do with ten friends. For three days we rented a house on the beach, near the beach where I was with Christine, and since we do have a good time. There are a few with surfing, which can (for example, is a Californian, as this is almost mandatory) and will be able to show us beginners, I hope, how it works. The whole place in two weeks instead, keep your fingers crossed for good weather schonmal!
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